Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What You Need to Know about Starling Migration

The prevalence of the European Starling in North America would make one think that they are native birds, but the truth is they are not. These birds were brought into the continent through Pennsylvania in 1850, Ohio in 1872,  Oregon in 1889 and New York in 1890.

The United States is not the only place these birds stay, Southern Ontario, especially in the Toronto area, is a winter destination for European starlings. Since their introduction more than a hundred years ago, their population has grown and their range expanded, making them one of the most successful birds in the continent.

Starlings are a potential pest, if they become one, you will need help from an animal control expert.

Migration Habits

The southern region of Ontario is a starling hub; according to Audobon’s Christmas Bird Count data, more than 255,000 starlings stay in the Golden Horseshoe area during winter. This number is approximately half of Canada’s total wintering number of Starlings. Approximately two-thirds of the region’s starlings migrate to warmer states in the U.S. during the coldest months. With the mass migration of these birds, people find them bothersome because of the noise they make and the droppings they leave on vehicles, buildings and sidewalks. In such cases where they invade homes, people will need wildlife control experts for effective and humane removal.

Size and Shape

These birds are the same size as blackbirds and have a chunky appearance, but with long, slender beaks and short tails. While flying, these birds’ wings are pointed and short, making them seem like four-pointed stars thus their name.


These birds are loud, boisterous and often travel in large groups with grackles and blackbirds. They fly through fields, with their beaks pointed down probing for food. They also sit on trees or wires making rattles, whistles and whirrs.


You can find starlings in the countryside near human settlements, suburbs or towns. They feed on the ground in parking lots, lawns, fields and sidewalks. They roost in homes, trees and wires.

Potential Problems

Starlings may bring all sorts of insects, germs and bacteria into your property. Their urine and droppings will not only have a foul smell, but may damage paint and your home’s exterior. Their nesting materials are a potential fire hazard and they are very noisy.

Animal Removal

With help from an animal control expert, have the starlings removed effectively and humanely. Experts have the equipment and proven methods for a quick and successful removal. They use humane methods to keep the animals safe during the entire process.

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