Friday, April 15, 2016

Starling Diseases You Need to Know

There are many pests that can show up in someone's home. Any homeowner may at some point have to deal with raccoons, rats, squirrels, roaches, mites and starlings. These animals are very unsanitary, and may carry a lot of unsightly things into a person's home and only wildlife control experts can deal with them effectively.

The common starling is one of those bird that are considered by people as pests. This bird is small, nearly the size of an open hand. It is also usually seen with a jet black coat and purplish or greenish streaks around its back. They have long beaks with have good abilities for mimicry, and can usually be seen moving around in huge flocks of nearly a hundred thousand.

Starlings are found around human homes and property, they build nests around niches and cavities like hollow trees, post boxes, house eaves, attic holes, home ventilation and old chimneys. Starlings mainly feed on insects, which can be a benefit for people who struggle with insects around the lawn or garden.

However, they are also capable of doing damage to the home. These birds pick around trash and make a mess of people's garbage. They also destroy crops and farmland and steal food from house pets. Their nests are made from highly flammable materials, and these might cause a house fire at any time. Lastly, their droppings can carry a lot of diseases that might be unsanitary and dangerous for children and domesticated animals living in the house.

Starlings can carry Salmonellosis which is a disease that is transferable to humans, animals and livestock living in or around the house. They also carry various fungal diseases. Starlings can transmit histoplasmosis to cows, sheep, chickens, turkeys and more and may even give meningitis or encephalitis to your pets or children. These can happen by simply messing with the droppings and inhaling the air around them. These diseases can even be found around the nesting areas, in which case it is not ideal for anyone to touch the area without proper protection.

There are many other diseases that these birds can transmit. These include blastonycosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydiosis, listeriosis and more. Starlings in particular carry droppings that can cause John's disease in cattle which can then carry on to the milk that they produce.

Aside from their droppings, they also transmit fowl pox and other livestock diseases to other avian species. If you see starlings around your farm, it is best to remove them and keep them away from the animals living there. Your poultry might contract diseases or ticks from their nests and droppings.

Their nests are also very unsanitary, and may contain a lot of dirt and droppings in it. These nests can host a load of other insects that may then be introduced to the house. While you might think it would be easy to just remove the nest, it may not be the best option as there is a chance that you may contract something.
When you discover a nest around or inside the house, do not touch or mess with it and  keep your pets or children away from it. The best way to remove these unwanted guests is to find a good animal control professional who is experienced in taking care of wildlife.

To safely remove starlings and their nests from your home be sure to call a wildlife control professional who can handle the situation effectively. These professionals are well trained in what could aggravate them, what equipment is the best to use, which time is ideal for removing them and how to seal off the area properly once they are gone. You can check out this website for more details on getting help:

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