Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Most Common Bacteria From Animals That Carry Human Diseases

The lives of humans and animals are very much attached to each other. Many animals nowadays are considered to be possible pets, but there are still dangers in having them in close quarters and direct contact can still pose some risks, especially if the animals that you harbor as pets are meant to be in the wild.
There are many kinds of bacteria found in animals that may produce diseases. Here are a few of the many in the list:
Escherichia Coli
Also known as E. Coli, this bacterium is found in animal's guts and intestines. Fecal matter contain these bacteria as well. People who consume contaminated food or water are most likely to get them and will cause diseases such as diarrhea, and even a severe case of hemolytic uremic syndrome. This bacterium is usually found in feces of birds, cattle and poultry. 
Salmonella bacterium is found in fecal matter of infected animals, most especially by rodents. It is transmitted to humans through direct contact, ingestion of contaminated food and water, . It also causes food poisoning, derived from raw meat and poultry or unpasteurized cheese or dairy. 
This bacterium can be found in mice and rat urine and is the cause of the disease called leptospirosis. It can infect humans and a wide range of animals. When leptospirosis is left untreated in humans, it can cause meningitis, damage to the kidneys, respiratory problems, and ultimately, death. 
Chlamhiydopla psittaci 
This bacterium  can be contracted from birds, more specifically from sparrows and pigeons. The disease is called psittacosis. Inhalation of bird droppings causes this infection. Bacteria in bird debris become airborne as the particles dry up and turn to dust, which can then travel in the air and can be inhaled by humans. Some of the symptoms of this disease are high fevers, cough, nosebleeds, and spleen enlargement among others. 
These bacteria we mentioned above are carriers of what we call zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are diseases brought to humans by any animal. Because of the gravity of some of them, it is important that you have the basic knowledge of the health dangers these wildlife creatures can cause you and your family. Commit to constant washing and proper hygiene to avoid these bacteria, and clean any signs of wildlife infestation with as much care and protection to avoid inhalation and contact.
Should you face any wildlife infestation, we strongly suggest that you call on wildlife control services like that from Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control so that you minimize your risk of exposure to these health hazards. Skedaddle has been in the business of efficiently, effectively and humanely removing nuisance wildlife from Canadian homes for more than twenty-seven years.

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