Friday, April 15, 2016

Starlings And Their Nesting Habits

The European starling is one of the most commonly found birds in North America. They were introduced to North America in 1890 from Europe, and now number hundreds of millions in houses and forests around the country. These birds are so widespread that some homeowners and developers consider them as pests.
These birds are incredibly adaptive, and are able to live in just about any crevice that they can find. They are also able to manage their bodies even in very hot or cold climates. They have also adapted very well to the spread of human civilization. Unlike other animals that shy away from populated areas, these birds have wholly accepted people and are using people's byproducts as a source for food and shelter.
Homeowners usually find flocks of starlings feeding together. They can be seen in any part of the city, picking trash off landfills, or eating insects off lawns. Their houses can be found in rooftops, trees, crevices in buildings, and even postboxes.
Females and males look distinctly similar, with both sporting a sleek glossy black plumage with green or purple streaks around the head or midcenter. They are typically smaller than other birds, with very short tails, and long yellow beaks. They also have a distinct call, but are also able to imitate sounds like sirens, alarms and telephones. They can also copy sounds from other birds like hawks, thrushes, larks and more.
These birds nest in the spring or summer, and usually find open holes or cavities that are the right size for raising their young. Vents on houses are a favourite nesting site. They build nests out of dry grass, leaves or feathers. However, they are also able to adapt and use anything soft like cloth or paper when nothing is available. They prefer dry warm areas that have little ventilation and lots of dirt.
A major problem is that these nests are usually extremely flammable and can cause house, barn or building fires. The nests are also very dirty and would not be something you would want to show off to neighbours or guests. The starlings that live around homes also pick through trash, lawns, chimneys and rooftops and generally cause trouble for homeowners and workers living in the area. They’re generally loud, messy, unsanitary and their droppings are also acidic and could ruin common painted surfaces.
These birds depend on humans and their products to survive. They can pick on crops, food scraps, kitchen trash or anything else for sustenance. They also damage fruit trees, farms and lawns by attacking them in flocks. Their droppings and waste products can also cause sanitation and health problems for various people.
The males choose the nest site and prepare it for attracting the female. The female they find then adds the final touches to the nest, and removes any material that they may dislike. These nests have to be in something solid, so that the young can grow without fear of danger.
These birds are also so widespread that they disrupt populations of other species in the area by taking over nests and competing for food. Therefore, taking care of these starling nests is always a big concern and it is always important for the homeowners to use the proper method when dealing with starlings. You should call animal control for help and have the professionals handle it. Taking care of them is not a job to be done on your own .
Professional help is always best for dealing with pests and wild creatures within the house. You can check out Skedaddle Wildlife Control website for more details:

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