Friday, April 15, 2016

How To Know When You Have A Starling Nest In Your Home

Are you hearing more avian noises around the house lately? Do you see more bird droppings when you walk outside? Are there more birds picking at the plants or insects in your garden? These might be signs that you have starlings nesting around your home and you need the help of animal control experts to help you get rid of them.

The common starling is very small, around the size of a human hand. These birds are jet black in colour, and may have green or purple markings around their midsection. They also have long yellow beaks, which have an uncanny ability for mimicking human speech or from other species like hawks, sparrows, larks and more. You can even hear small starlings mimic sounds from phones, sirens and alarms.

Their population is very large, and they can be seen migrating in flocks that can number around a hundred thousand. A huge amount of them can even block out the sky for a moment. These birds can cause major problems to homeowners by damaging gardens, properties, farms and plantations. They even steal food from other pets and domesticated animals like hens, pigs and cows.

They cause a lot of messes around the home as their droppings are acidic, it can cause paint to fade and metal to rust. They also pick through people's trash and destroy people’s plants and properties. These birds can attack and drive out local wildlife, which is why it is ideal not to get too close or too aggressive. They can usually be seen in groups.

Starlings create nests within crevices that are the right size for raising their young like mailboxes, eavestroughs, chimneys and even corners of attics. These nests are made from very flammable materials like dry leaves, cloths, sticks and feathers which can cause house fires if not taken care of.

Having starlings around the home is also very unsanitary, as they can carry diseases with them. Their droppings can be dangerous around children or pets therefore it is best to take care of starlings when they are in the general vicinity. This includes knowing when they have decided to nest in your home, finding where the nest is, removing and sealing it so that the same thing won't happen next time.

Since starlings create nests within small crevices, it should be very easy to find the nest that they have created. These nests are also very messy, so it should drop a few pieces of grass, dirt or some other material from time to time.

It is difficult to remove these birds without using poisons or traps such as snares however these are banned in many areas. When you have starlings nesting around your home, you should call in an animal control professional who knows how to handle such work. Humane wildlife control professionals know their habits, their common locations and the best way to remove them without hurting their young.

These birds are usually only nesting to make sure that their little babies have somewhere safe to grow. They are usually fully grown after a few weeks, by which time they will leave. However, you would still need a wildlife control professional who knows how to carefully remove the nesting material and seal it to make sure that the same spot is not used for a nest again later that season. To find out more information and how Skedaddle Wildlife Control professionals can help you visit

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