Friday, April 15, 2016

Starling Diseases You Need to Know

There are many pests that can show up in someone's home. Any homeowner may at some point have to deal with raccoons, rats, squirrels, roaches, mites and starlings. These animals are very unsanitary, and may carry a lot of unsightly things into a person's home and only wildlife control experts can deal with them effectively.

The common starling is one of those bird that are considered by people as pests. This bird is small, nearly the size of an open hand. It is also usually seen with a jet black coat and purplish or greenish streaks around its back. They have long beaks with have good abilities for mimicry, and can usually be seen moving around in huge flocks of nearly a hundred thousand.

Starlings are found around human homes and property, they build nests around niches and cavities like hollow trees, post boxes, house eaves, attic holes, home ventilation and old chimneys. Starlings mainly feed on insects, which can be a benefit for people who struggle with insects around the lawn or garden.

However, they are also capable of doing damage to the home. These birds pick around trash and make a mess of people's garbage. They also destroy crops and farmland and steal food from house pets. Their nests are made from highly flammable materials, and these might cause a house fire at any time. Lastly, their droppings can carry a lot of diseases that might be unsanitary and dangerous for children and domesticated animals living in the house.

Starlings can carry Salmonellosis which is a disease that is transferable to humans, animals and livestock living in or around the house. They also carry various fungal diseases. Starlings can transmit histoplasmosis to cows, sheep, chickens, turkeys and more and may even give meningitis or encephalitis to your pets or children. These can happen by simply messing with the droppings and inhaling the air around them. These diseases can even be found around the nesting areas, in which case it is not ideal for anyone to touch the area without proper protection.

There are many other diseases that these birds can transmit. These include blastonycosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydiosis, listeriosis and more. Starlings in particular carry droppings that can cause John's disease in cattle which can then carry on to the milk that they produce.

Aside from their droppings, they also transmit fowl pox and other livestock diseases to other avian species. If you see starlings around your farm, it is best to remove them and keep them away from the animals living there. Your poultry might contract diseases or ticks from their nests and droppings.

Their nests are also very unsanitary, and may contain a lot of dirt and droppings in it. These nests can host a load of other insects that may then be introduced to the house. While you might think it would be easy to just remove the nest, it may not be the best option as there is a chance that you may contract something.
When you discover a nest around or inside the house, do not touch or mess with it and  keep your pets or children away from it. The best way to remove these unwanted guests is to find a good animal control professional who is experienced in taking care of wildlife.

To safely remove starlings and their nests from your home be sure to call a wildlife control professional who can handle the situation effectively. These professionals are well trained in what could aggravate them, what equipment is the best to use, which time is ideal for removing them and how to seal off the area properly once they are gone. You can check out this website for more details on getting help:

How To Know When You Have A Starling Nest In Your Home

Are you hearing more avian noises around the house lately? Do you see more bird droppings when you walk outside? Are there more birds picking at the plants or insects in your garden? These might be signs that you have starlings nesting around your home and you need the help of animal control experts to help you get rid of them.

The common starling is very small, around the size of a human hand. These birds are jet black in colour, and may have green or purple markings around their midsection. They also have long yellow beaks, which have an uncanny ability for mimicking human speech or from other species like hawks, sparrows, larks and more. You can even hear small starlings mimic sounds from phones, sirens and alarms.

Their population is very large, and they can be seen migrating in flocks that can number around a hundred thousand. A huge amount of them can even block out the sky for a moment. These birds can cause major problems to homeowners by damaging gardens, properties, farms and plantations. They even steal food from other pets and domesticated animals like hens, pigs and cows.

They cause a lot of messes around the home as their droppings are acidic, it can cause paint to fade and metal to rust. They also pick through people's trash and destroy people’s plants and properties. These birds can attack and drive out local wildlife, which is why it is ideal not to get too close or too aggressive. They can usually be seen in groups.

Starlings create nests within crevices that are the right size for raising their young like mailboxes, eavestroughs, chimneys and even corners of attics. These nests are made from very flammable materials like dry leaves, cloths, sticks and feathers which can cause house fires if not taken care of.

Having starlings around the home is also very unsanitary, as they can carry diseases with them. Their droppings can be dangerous around children or pets therefore it is best to take care of starlings when they are in the general vicinity. This includes knowing when they have decided to nest in your home, finding where the nest is, removing and sealing it so that the same thing won't happen next time.

Since starlings create nests within small crevices, it should be very easy to find the nest that they have created. These nests are also very messy, so it should drop a few pieces of grass, dirt or some other material from time to time.

It is difficult to remove these birds without using poisons or traps such as snares however these are banned in many areas. When you have starlings nesting around your home, you should call in an animal control professional who knows how to handle such work. Humane wildlife control professionals know their habits, their common locations and the best way to remove them without hurting their young.

These birds are usually only nesting to make sure that their little babies have somewhere safe to grow. They are usually fully grown after a few weeks, by which time they will leave. However, you would still need a wildlife control professional who knows how to carefully remove the nesting material and seal it to make sure that the same spot is not used for a nest again later that season. To find out more information and how Skedaddle Wildlife Control professionals can help you visit

Why Humane Animal Removal is Effective

Humans have been living alongside animals for centuries. It's a fact of life that wherever people create a home, animals and small wild creatures will show up as well. Humans are terrific at creating food and den sites that attract little creatures. Moths like cloth, rats love food and even birds like making shelters in roofs. In truth, the animals that have the highest survival rate and populations over the years are those that were able to successfully adapt to the spread of human civilization. In this modern age, the animals going extinct are those that had specific lifestyles and needs clashing with human interests. Nowadays, the animals we normally see outside the confinements of the zoo or the wildlife park are those that are considered domesticated, or pests.
People are commonly seen as animal-loving when they are able to show affection towards pets like cats, dogs or fish. These people are also able to lobby for fair and safe treatment of endangered animal species, however, not everyone shares these sentiments when it comes to those we consider pests.
Pests are generally undesirable for everyone. They're unsanitary and could potentially carry hundreds of diseases into your home. They are also not in any danger of losing their population to the spread of human civilization; in fact, they thrive with it.
Continued loss of natural habitat has forced these animals to adapt their natural behaviour. Urban environments provide plenty of food and shelter opportunities in very dense populations. Successful wildlife species have found homes for themselves and their babies inside attics, sheds and chimneys.
Hundreds of raccoons, squirrels, birds and wildlife creatures die each year from cruel homeowners who decide to take care of them on their own. For these animals, their forests were cut down to build new urban neighbourhoods.
Inhumane animal control is not ideal, for many reasons. The animal in itself might not be alone, and poisons or traps being used could potentially hurt children and other pets living in the house. Poisons and inhumane traps may also be banned in several areas.
Animal cruelty is not a good option for any homeowner. It is impossible to completely get rid of all the animals and wildlife within the city, however you can protect your home from them when you have a professional who knows how to manage and remove them and can effectively do the job. Not only will they be able to safely remove the animal, but they will also be able to make sure that none of the young will stay. The professional will also be able to add things to the house that will make sure the same incident doesn't happen again.
Humane wildlife control specialists are usually trained well in how to handle animals. They also know what actions would be able to aggravate the bird or animal, and they know the best way to attract them from the house. They also have the right equipment to take care of any species that have unique poisons or properties.
Any kind of professional help is appreciated when they do the job right. You can check out options for humane wildlife control here:

Starlings And Their Nesting Habits

The European starling is one of the most commonly found birds in North America. They were introduced to North America in 1890 from Europe, and now number hundreds of millions in houses and forests around the country. These birds are so widespread that some homeowners and developers consider them as pests.
These birds are incredibly adaptive, and are able to live in just about any crevice that they can find. They are also able to manage their bodies even in very hot or cold climates. They have also adapted very well to the spread of human civilization. Unlike other animals that shy away from populated areas, these birds have wholly accepted people and are using people's byproducts as a source for food and shelter.
Homeowners usually find flocks of starlings feeding together. They can be seen in any part of the city, picking trash off landfills, or eating insects off lawns. Their houses can be found in rooftops, trees, crevices in buildings, and even postboxes.
Females and males look distinctly similar, with both sporting a sleek glossy black plumage with green or purple streaks around the head or midcenter. They are typically smaller than other birds, with very short tails, and long yellow beaks. They also have a distinct call, but are also able to imitate sounds like sirens, alarms and telephones. They can also copy sounds from other birds like hawks, thrushes, larks and more.
These birds nest in the spring or summer, and usually find open holes or cavities that are the right size for raising their young. Vents on houses are a favourite nesting site. They build nests out of dry grass, leaves or feathers. However, they are also able to adapt and use anything soft like cloth or paper when nothing is available. They prefer dry warm areas that have little ventilation and lots of dirt.
A major problem is that these nests are usually extremely flammable and can cause house, barn or building fires. The nests are also very dirty and would not be something you would want to show off to neighbours or guests. The starlings that live around homes also pick through trash, lawns, chimneys and rooftops and generally cause trouble for homeowners and workers living in the area. They’re generally loud, messy, unsanitary and their droppings are also acidic and could ruin common painted surfaces.
These birds depend on humans and their products to survive. They can pick on crops, food scraps, kitchen trash or anything else for sustenance. They also damage fruit trees, farms and lawns by attacking them in flocks. Their droppings and waste products can also cause sanitation and health problems for various people.
The males choose the nest site and prepare it for attracting the female. The female they find then adds the final touches to the nest, and removes any material that they may dislike. These nests have to be in something solid, so that the young can grow without fear of danger.
These birds are also so widespread that they disrupt populations of other species in the area by taking over nests and competing for food. Therefore, taking care of these starling nests is always a big concern and it is always important for the homeowners to use the proper method when dealing with starlings. You should call animal control for help and have the professionals handle it. Taking care of them is not a job to be done on your own .
Professional help is always best for dealing with pests and wild creatures within the house. You can check out Skedaddle Wildlife Control website for more details:

The Dangers of Rodent Infestation

Rodents are not only potential carriers of disease, but they cause a variety of problems for property owners. With help from an animal control expert, they can remove different types of rodents humanely and successfully.
Harmful Diseases
Rodents are responsible for the transmission of a variety of diseases. A person may get a rat-borne disease just by inhaling dust contaminated with rat feces. Some of the illnesses caused by rat infestation include:
  • Hantavirus – this disease is potentially life-threatening; you may get this illness through exposure or inhalation of infected rodent saliva, droppings or urine. The possibility of getting the disease increases when you are close to spaces where rats live. Some of the symptoms of this ailment include fatigue, muscle aches, fever, headaches, dizziness and abdominal pain.
  • Rat-bite Fever – a person may get this disease if they consume food contaminated by rodents. Symptoms normally occur three to ten days after exposure; the signs of this disease include vomiting, rash, headaches, fever and muscle pain.
  • Salmonellosis – this is a type of food poisoning that rodents spread through their feces. You may get this ailment when you consume contaminated food. Some of its symptoms are diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain.
Some of these ailments are potentially fatal, especially for people with respiratory ailments, young children with underdeveloped respiratory systems and seniors. A wildlife control expert helps you remove rodents and prevent future infestations.
Property Damage
Rodents do not only have the capability to spread disease, they may damage property when they build a den, chew through wiring, insulation and building materials. These may seem like minor property damage, but when you leave these unrepaired, it may cause bigger problems in the future.
Signs of Infestation
Identifying the signs of rodent infestation at its early stages is important. Some of its indicators include:
  • A mouse or two will run across any room in your property
  • You hear running, scratching and chewing behind walls and the spaces between your ceiling
  • Food packages have small marks on them or have partial openings
  • You see rodent droppings near a cupboard corner, the kitchen counter or other areas in your house.
Once you see any of these signs, it is time to call a professional wildlife remover.
How Rodents Invade Homes
Rodents are small animals that can sneak through the tiniest of holes or cracks on the wall, whether it is concrete or wood. These creatures will look for shelter that has access to food and warmth.
With help from an animal control expert, you will no longer deal with the difficulties of deodorizing a former den, removal of young or re-infestation. These experts have the experience and know various proven techniques to make sure that rodents are humanely and properly removed from your home.

Are Rat-Borne Diseases Life Threatening?

Did you see a rat in your house? If so, chances are there are a bunch of them already. Letting them live in your house may cause not only health problems, but also property damage. Rodents are potential carriers of life-threatening diseases and you do not want to be that person who may get an infection. With the help of an animal control expert, you can get rid of rodents successfully and humanely.

Rodent Diseases

Some rat-borne diseases are potentially life threatening, knowing what these are will help you prevent it from spreading.


The Hantavirus can be spread through other ways, but rodent infestation in the house remains one of the primary risks. A person may get an infection when fresh rodent nesting materials, urine or droppings are stirred up somehow in the home.  When airborne, a person may breathe these in and become infected with the disease. It is also possible to get this disease through a rodent bite.

Symptoms of this disease develop between one and five weeks after exposure to fresh droppings, urine or saliva of an infected rat or any rodent. Hantavirus may progress to Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome which is a severe respiratory illness that is rare but can be deadly.


This disease is infamous for sweeping across Europe and claiming millions of lives during the Middle Ages. Humans may get this disease when an infected rodent flea bites them or when they handle an infected animal. The symptoms of this illness include:

·      Sudden onset of fever
·      Chills
·      Weakness
·      One or more swollen, painful and tender lymph nodes called buboes

A person may also get this fatal disease from contact with contaminated tissue or fluid. A form of this illness is septicemic plague, potentially fatal septic shock with fever, chills, abdominal pain, shock, extreme weakness and possible bleeding into the organs and skin are some of its symptoms. This may be the first sign of the plague or may develop because a person failed to get treatment immediately.

Another form is pneumonic plague, which may develop after you breathe in droplets that contain bacteria. Patients with this illness develop weakness, fever, headache, chest pain, shortness of breath and cough. The pneumonia that develops may lead to shock and respiratory failure. This type is the most severe form of plague and is the only one that may transmit from person to person.

Plague is a serious disease, but it is treatable with antibiotics. However, failure to get treatment immediately may cause death.

How Can You Remove Rodents?

Rodents are manageable pests that you can easily remove from your property, if you hire a wildlife control expert.

Animal removers have the training and gear to remove all types of rodents in a humane manner. They will look for the den and remove the animals they find; as much as possible they will not harm the animals during the process. Animal control experts will make sure no trace of the rodents is left in your property.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What You Need to Know about Starling Migration

The prevalence of the European Starling in North America would make one think that they are native birds, but the truth is they are not. These birds were brought into the continent through Pennsylvania in 1850, Ohio in 1872,  Oregon in 1889 and New York in 1890.

The United States is not the only place these birds stay, Southern Ontario, especially in the Toronto area, is a winter destination for European starlings. Since their introduction more than a hundred years ago, their population has grown and their range expanded, making them one of the most successful birds in the continent.

Starlings are a potential pest, if they become one, you will need help from an animal control expert.

Migration Habits

The southern region of Ontario is a starling hub; according to Audobon’s Christmas Bird Count data, more than 255,000 starlings stay in the Golden Horseshoe area during winter. This number is approximately half of Canada’s total wintering number of Starlings. Approximately two-thirds of the region’s starlings migrate to warmer states in the U.S. during the coldest months. With the mass migration of these birds, people find them bothersome because of the noise they make and the droppings they leave on vehicles, buildings and sidewalks. In such cases where they invade homes, people will need wildlife control experts for effective and humane removal.

Size and Shape

These birds are the same size as blackbirds and have a chunky appearance, but with long, slender beaks and short tails. While flying, these birds’ wings are pointed and short, making them seem like four-pointed stars thus their name.


These birds are loud, boisterous and often travel in large groups with grackles and blackbirds. They fly through fields, with their beaks pointed down probing for food. They also sit on trees or wires making rattles, whistles and whirrs.


You can find starlings in the countryside near human settlements, suburbs or towns. They feed on the ground in parking lots, lawns, fields and sidewalks. They roost in homes, trees and wires.

Potential Problems

Starlings may bring all sorts of insects, germs and bacteria into your property. Their urine and droppings will not only have a foul smell, but may damage paint and your home’s exterior. Their nesting materials are a potential fire hazard and they are very noisy.

Animal Removal

With help from an animal control expert, have the starlings removed effectively and humanely. Experts have the equipment and proven methods for a quick and successful removal. They use humane methods to keep the animals safe during the entire process.

Top Reasons to Hire an Animal Remover

Are you having a difficult time removing bats, raccoons, squirrels or other pests from your property? Simply trapping and killing them will not solve your problem. Some of these animals may become aggressive and cause physical injuries when they feel that you are threatening their young. Even when you kill the mother or some of the adult creatures, you may have left behind and orphaned the younger ones.
When animals infest your home, one of your best options for wildlife control is to hire a professional animal remover. If you think hiring one is costly, it will cost more to repair damage done by raccoons, squirrels and bats or clean up after their mess all the time.
There are several reasons to hire a professional for efficient and humane animal control.
When you hire an animal remover to get rid of pests, they start working as soon as they get to your home. Their efficiency means that there is no time wasted in catching raccoons, squirrels, rodents and other pests in your house and removing them. They have the equipment and gear to protect themselves from potentially aggressive animals during the process of removal.
Animal control is not about killing pests you find in your property. Simply killing or trapping them will not solve your infestation problem or may make it worse. With help from an animal remover, you can count on them to not only get rid of raccoons, squirrels or others, but also remove them humanely.
Removers have the training and expertise to get rid of pests humanely. Their humane techniques will use a mother’s young to draw her out of your property. Once out, they will seal possible entry points such as holes, cracks or rotting wood. This prevents animals from re-entering your home once they are out.
Animal removers are very thorough in their approach to pest removal. They will determine the location of the den  and look for all the young, even the immobile ones. This makes certain that no raccoons, squirrels or rodents are still on your property and prevent breeding again. They make it a point to clean out and deodorize the den area so it doesn’t attract other pests again.
Preventive Methods
Professional animal removers do not just remove pests from homes, they provide you with information and teach you methods to prevent re-infestation. Their long-term approach reduces your costs and enables you to know what to do when pests try to invade your home in the future.
You will receive good value for money and first-rate service, when you hire an animal remover to get rid of animals such as raccoons, bats, squirrels and others that infest your property.

Why Is Humane Animal Removal Important?

Nuisance wildlife brooding inside your home can be a big headache for many homeowners. From aesthetic problems to health and safety hazards, sharing your home with furry creatures is just not an option.

Before you do drastic measures in eliminating them from your property, think of the reason why they are there.

Many wildlife animals find comfort in our homes because they have found an alternative space free from the harsh elements of nature where they can raise their babies. Because humans have developed many natural reserves that used to be the habitats of these animals, they now unintentionally invade our space.

This is not to say that you just leave them peacefully inside your home as there are risks that come with living with these wildlife creatures. It is, however, important that we remove them in the safest and most humane method possible.

Here are ten reasons why:

  1. Inhumane methods are banned by provincial and municipal laws. The government has taken measures in protecting wildlife rights and urges its constituents to remove nuisance wildlife from your homes through humane methods. Extermination is almost, always never an option.
  2. Humane methods allow animals the best chance of survival afterwards.
  3. Keep animal families (mothers and babies) together. Most of the time, your attic or your dens serve as an ideal location for mothers to raise their young. Removing them humanely from your property will allow mothers to continue raising their litter in the wild.
  4. Humanely removing animals from your home will allow them to relocate themselves to one of their other den sites in the area.
  5. Humane methods are customized to the property and species and take into consideration wildlife behaviour and biology.
  6. Humanely removing animals would mean no poison, no chemicals, no tools that hurt or injure wildlife.
  7. Humane methods allow animals to perform their role in the environment. Animals exist in the environment because of the roles they play and removing them humanely gives them a chance to survive and take their part in preserving the balance of nature.
  8. It includes exclusion. The best way of protecting your home from any form of nuisance wildlife is by exclusion. This process prevents re-entry of any wildlife creature by installing physical barriers in your home.
  9. Humane methods of removal such as exclusion is more effective because it stays loyal to the old tenet which says, prevention is better than cure.
  10. Humane methods of removal are longer-lasting. Removing animals from your home in a humane manner and making sure that they are excluded in the future is more of a long-term solution that will help address any kind of wildlife invasion.
As you can see, there are many benefits to humanely removing wildlife animals from your home. We need to find ways to co-exist in this world we live in.

Should you want to know more about how to employ exclusion on your property, call the Wildlife Technicians of Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. With more than twenty-seven years in the industry, Skedaddle has proven time and again that they protect the rights of homeowners and the wildlife creatures, both at the same time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Safely Remove Raccoons from your Property

Raccoons are little furry masked bandits that run about in the night, foraging. They are nocturnal animals, so they naturally go scavenging for food at night. Raccoons are intelligent creatures and have very manipulative paws, which make them a destructive force when inside your property.

Being infested with raccoons can be quite frustrating. Many homeowners lose their temper when they discover the damage they do everyday and resort to DIY raccoon removal. Before you do that, think twice. You should consider how to remove them without causing them harm, making things worse or violating laws that protect them.

One of the biggest problems of raccoon removal is associated with mother and offspring. This is the trickiest part of removing wild animals from your home, since you don't want to kill any of them in the process, especially their babies.

Raccoons usually give birth in early summer, and the offspring are called kits or cubs. A litter usually contains one to seven kits, and the mother is very protective of her offspring. A mother will to ensure the safety of her babies, and that is why removing raccoons becomes a hard job.

Removing a raccoon from your home is never easy but here are some steps you can do. First, locate the entry points, which are probably found in your roof or walls. You will need a ladder to check thoroughly. Before you seal them off, you will have to find where the raccoons live. If there is indeed a litter, you will have to remove them by hand.

Never remove a raccoon before locating its hideout, as you may unintentionally and inhumanely kill the babies in the litter left behind.  If there are none, seal and repair all entry points after the raccoon goes out to forage at night. Be sure there’s just one! Next, animal proof the roof, using screens or wire meshes, and better if you can cover the holes. Make sure the chimney and vents are covered with caps.

Taking care of a pest infestation is hard work and requires a lot of patience and know-how. If you have never had any experience and don't know what to do, don't risk it! You can always rely on wildlife professionals to do a good, clean and thorough job. Trained experts will surely do all the hard work for you, and you no longer have to worry about dangerous encounters. Humane wildlife control professionals like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can remove all raccoon, including babies, seal up your home and repair all damaged materials so you can start anew, pest-free and worry-free.

Monday, April 11, 2016

How a Pest Infestation Affects Home Value

You may be one of those people who have been haunted by pests living in the comforts of your own home. You have tried so many ways to remove them, but they just keep on coming back! The noise they make at night affect your sleep and just thinking about the many diseases that they can bring to your kids keeps you even more wide awake at night.

This may sound too common but did you know that nuisance wildlife inside your home will not only endanger your health and give you sleepless nights but can also affect your home value?

Picture this - open wires, droppings everywhere, that musky odor you just can't seem to drive off - these and many other ghastly things can drastically affect your home value. This could be a big concern especially when you try to sell your property in the future.

But how do pests inside your house decrease the value of your property?

Pests drop fecal matter anywhere, and damage your furniture, your walls, ceilings and even baseboards. Skunks can even burrow below your foundation, making your house less stable and prone to damage. Raccoons inside your house can tear up your insulation and roofing materials. Birds leave nests that may contain dead offspring that invite mites and other parasites. Mice, rats and squirrels can chew anything, even wiring.

If home inspectors find these nuisance wildlife inside your home, your house value will greatly depreciate. Home inspectors who come to check on your house value, especially before selling it off, will note that there is a problem with your house, no matter how beautiful the aesthetics may be.

Moreover, pests are a big turn off for prospective buyers and a portion of your market will shy away from the deal. Some homes never sell until these problems are resolved.

So before you think of selling your property, you should have all those pests removed no matter what. Forget about all that DIY pest control and invest in the help of Wildlife Professionals like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control who are experts in animal removal and exclusion before the situation gets worse.

Not only will the pests be removed in an efficient and humane manner, Skedaddle Wildlife Technicians will also seal up all entry points pests can use to avoid future infestations. They also have the equipment and tools to clean or remove contaminated materials in your home to make it clean and clear once again. Now you can breathe easy and relax as your home value depreciators are no more!