Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Rundown on Cellulose Insulation

Year after year, many homeowners are bothered by nuisance wildlife invading their homes. With the loss of habitats due to land development, wildlife animals have adapted their behaviour from the wild to the urban communities where humans live.

Because of this, it is not uncommon to experience wildlife infestation especially because most houses are not structurally sealed to keep wildlife out. Any small nook or crevice can give access to mice and squirrels that will soon find a comfortable haven in your attic. Torn shingles and loose siding invite dexterous raccoons in and it won't take long for them to create their own den inside your home.

Any wildlife inside your home is bad news. Not only to they pose a health risk to the human tenants in the house by bringing in zoonotic diseases that can endanger your health, they can also be physically destructive. One common physical damage to homes that we have encountered many times in the past is contaminated and damaged insulation.

There are many ways that wildlife animals can compromise your insulation. Rats and mice, for example, can tunnel through insulation, build nests and in effect, allow the passing of air and odour issues. Raccoons can trample the material thereby reducing its effectiveness.

Contaminated and damaged insulation can cause energy wastage and unnecessary health, structural and aesthetic issues. If you are facing this problem, it is best to address it immediately.

One of the services offered by Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is replacing your insulation, especially those that were damaged by nuisance wildlife. The process starts with the removal of any contamination brought about by your resident critters and making sure that your attic is clean and free from any dangers that these animals have brought inside your home. Skedaddle’s wildlife technicians will then analyze your current situation and recommend strategies on how to best solve your problem.

Skedaddle then uses cellulose insulation during replacement. Here’s why:
  1. Cellulose insulation is environmentally-friendly. The cellulose insulation we use to replace your contaminated insulation contains 87% recycled content and is the greenest insulation product on the market today. Cellulose insulation is better at keeping your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter because it’s scientific structure blocks air much better than its fibreglass predecessor, effectively saving energy and money.
  2. It is health-conscious. Our insulation strategy begins with the careful removal of contaminated insulation. A powerful and accurate blower system minimizes traffic through the home and quickly covers each nook and crevice with fresh insulation for your attic. Cellulose insulation does not introduce harmful pollutants or chemicals into your home. As an added bonus, cellulose insulation is also mold, mildew, pest and fire resistant!
  3. It is cost-efficient. If your home’s insulation has been damaged by wildlife, the safest course of action might include removing and replacing your insulation. However, it shouldn’t have to mean bad news for your bank account. In fact, our cellulose insulation can decrease your energy bills by up to 60% in two years depending on the severity of the prior situation.
Moving on from damaged insulation caused by nuisance wildlife can be troublesome but with great alternatives such as the insulation strategy provided by skilled and expert technicians from Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, you can rest assured that you are getting the best value for the service they provide. Rid yourself of the worry of contaminated and damaged insulation and call Skedaddle today!

1 comment:

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