Sunday, May 15, 2016

Pros and Cons of Having Raccoons as Pets

Many of us new homeowners and animal lovers would normally be thrilled to have the company of the very common wildlife visitor around our home, the seemingly adorable wildlife bandit -- the raccoon. While these furry animals may look harmless and innocent, don’t be deceived by their looks. There is a reason why wild animals are meant for the wild and this masked creature is one of them.

One of the many wildlife animals that we come across with in man-made buildings and houses are the raccoons. These masked furry animals are actually intelligent creatures. This paired with very manipulative paws that can open almost anything make a very destructive combination.

Why are raccoons dangerous? 

Raccoons have been known to topple over and open garbage bags and bins, leaving a huge mess after their foraging. They can open containers and unlock doors and windows. They are also probable carriers of rabies, which can be lethal for you and your pets.

So, what can you do to help evacuate these animals without hurting them and exposing yourself to risk? Prevention is what you should focus on if you aren’t infested with these wild animals yet. Here are some tips you can take to avoid or at least, minimize the probabilities of raccoons making your home their home.

  1. Never leave sources of food out in your yard. Make sure your outdoor grills are clean and do not have any food residues. Do not feed your pets outside as well, or if you have no way around it, make sure their food bowls are taken in at night.
  2. Secure your garbage bins so they are not easily toppled over and are not easily opened.
  3. Check any openings to your house and seal them completely.

However, if you have already seen a raccoon wandering regularly on your property and are not sure if there is a whole litter of raccoon kits somewhere you can proceed with these wildlife control steps:

  1. Locate their den inside or around your house. If there are already kits inside, you will have to remove them from the den site by hand. Eliminate all sources of food in your property that can be easily accessed by the mother raccoon. This way, you won’t be attracting other raccoons in the neighbourhood to your house.
  2. You can also try to expose them to as much disturbance and noise as possible, so they will be forced to find a more peaceful environment, which in this case, isn’t your home anymore.
  3. Once they move out, seal all openings to your home securely and tightly.

If you’re ever unsure of what to do and are inexperienced, the safest and easiest way is calling for professional help from our animal control experts like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. You pay for service, time, effort and health saved for wildlife control, which makes the choice worth every cent.

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