Monday, May 16, 2016

Different Kinds Of Nuisance Birds in Canada

Birds can be very beautiful and they enhance the beauty of any place. Their enchanting sight and sound can liven up and bring joy to anyone. However, they can also be a downright nuisance with messy nesting material, their droppings and the noise their newly hatched chicks make. While birds are ecologically important creatures that frequently eat insects, many species are also nuisances in urban environments. Prone to nesting in, on, and around hospitals, office buildings, apartment complexes, and other structures, birds can create serious problems that may eventually necessitate some form of pest control.

Types of Nuisance Birds in Canada

These 6 types of birds found in Canada are commonly classified as nuisance pests: house sparrows, starlings, pigeons, woodpeckers, gulls and Canadian geese.

Also known as European sparrows, house sparrows are invasive pests that regularly bully native birds. They can destroy gardens, damage crops and are a source of parasites, fleas and mites. Starlings cause serious problems for livestock and the associated industry, while pigeons congregate in large numbers and produce excessive amounts of hazardous waste.

Mostly a noise nuisance, woodpeckers are also capable of causing structural damage to siding and exteriors. Gulls, like pigeons, cause problems via fecal contamination, while Canadian geese populations can grow nearly unrestricted, destroy many plants, and also leave behind potentially harmful droppings.

Flocks of water birds, especially Canadian geese and gulls, are an increasing problem on school grounds, especially athletic fields. In addition to creating a nuisance, these species may damage turf, deteriorate pond environments, and create potential health hazards including slippery footing for athletes due to copious fecal droppings.

A wide range of other situations may result in birds becoming pests at schools. Roosting turkey vultures can become a nuisance with their distinctive sights and smells. Gulls may harass young children for food. Swallows may nest on the sides of school buildings, creating a problem with droppings and mites left behind after they move on. Contacting a wildlife control professional is the best option in these situations.

Monitoring and Inspection

Monitoring for bird problems consists largely of logging and responding to complaints, and regular inspections of building exteriors including roofs. Early nesting efforts at problem sites, especially ventilation features, can be discouraged, removed, and, if possible, prevented from reoccurring by exclusion with netting or spikes. These services can be provided to you by animal control experts.

Control Measures

Nonchemical Control Measures

Most bird management procedures fall in this category. The most practical method associated with buildings is to look for areas that can become common nesting areas and develop exclusion methods to prevent the birds from nesting on your property. A wide range of approaches are available from common building materials to bird netting, spikes, and specialized products including electric tracks. Exclusion of geese and gulls from ponds is also possible using posts and wire or line. A wildlife control company like Skedaddle offer wildlife removal strategies that are humane, safe and reliable.

Sanitation/Cultural Control Measures

Habitat modification and exclusion from structures are generally the most effective ways of controlling nuisance bird populations. Wildlife Technicians locate where birds are roosting, nesting, and landing. Once they find the nests they will clear, clean and repair the infested area. Part of Skedaddle’s wildlife control process involves clearing and cleaning any contaminated material, like odorous droppings or carcasses that can pose serious health risks.

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