Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to Move On from an Attic Infestation

Due to the widespread development of once wild and forested areas into subdivisions and commercial areas, many wildlife animals have become accustom to living in human dwellings and structures. This is why it’s a normal thing for people to see raccoons or squirrels running about on their property everyday. These animals are constantly in the search for food and a safer shelter.

What can be safer from predators than a structure built for humans? Also, let us not deny the fact that these animals can find food easily since every home has a large supply. These combinations make a perfect alternative to these animals’ wild habitats. This is why you should reinforce your home against infestations and learn about wildlife control.

The attic is one of the most common places where animals hide and take refuge. Why? It is dark, undisturbed, spacious and provides warmth during the winter months. Your attic can house a whole colony of bats, a family of raccoons or squirrels, even rats or mice. You may even have experienced one already, and the devastating amount of damage they can leave will surely have you scratching your head.
Here is a guide on what you can do after the animals have been moved out of your attic:
  1. Check for wires and other hazardous damage first before cleaning. Common damage left by an attic infestation is the wiring, this is very dangerous as it can start a fire at anytime, or electrocute anyone who comes in contact with uninsulated wires. So, before you start cleaning the whole place, make sure all wires are in good shape, and if they aren’t, you may have to ask for an electrician’s advice.
  1. Start cleaning, but make sure you are properly equipped. Animal urine and droppings can be lethal to you. Most diseases are contracted by direct contact or mere inhalation of animal waste, so make sure you have gloves and a mask on. Wear long sleeves and pants as well, so you minimize possibilities of contact with the waste. Clean and disinfect all sections in the attic.
  1. Check for possible entryways and seal them up. This is to avoid getting more infestations in the future. Make sure the covers are hard and secure enough, so they aren’t easily torn through. Close small gaps and holes, as mice and rats can enter through them. Repair damaged parts of the wall, floor or ceiling.
  1. Disinfect your equipment after you are done cleaning. Do not take risks and make sure no residue is left on your skin. These contaminants can cause skin infections or even leave you with roundworms or other pathogens.
Make sure you check all other entry points into your house after the infestation, so you’ll never have to worry about wildlife sharing your home and food.

If you are unsure whether all animals are out or you just don’t have the time to properly clean and protect your home, you can call an animal control professional. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control offer removal, exclusion and clean up services for those who seek their professional wildlife control so that you can re-claim a safe haven for you and your loved ones.

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