Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why Do Bats Inhabit Homes?

Bats belong to the order of Chiroptera and are the only mammals who have the ability of true flight. Bats are nocturnal animals and almost a quarter of the whole mammal species belong to bats. Disregarding the fact that bats are one the most misunderstood animals since they have been linked with the dark since ancient times, bats are actually docile animals. They forage for food at night, and no, they don't hunt for blood (except maybe the two or three vampire bat species). Most bats feed on fruit, insects and nectar.

Bats belong in the wild and often to live in homes, caves and abandoned mines in large numbers.  They live for a fairly long amount of time, which is about 40 years depending on the species. The majority of bats do not rely on eyesight while hunting for food. They rely on echolocation, which makes use of the sound waves they create while flying bouncing from one object to another to navigate easily through the dark. Indeed, bats are amazing animals, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be bothered if you have bats infesting your house.

What belongs in the wild should be kept in the wild, or problems will occur. While bats are naturally not aggressive animals, it is still disturbing to have them hanging in your attics or basements. Bats live with their families or colonies,  so they don't arrive in homes as individuals. They take their whole kin with them. It isn't a very good sight to see a swarm of black animals hanging around your house.

So now you may ask, if they belong in the wild, why do they seek refuge in people's homes instead of trees and caves in the nearby woods?

Bats prefer warm areas and human houses that provide shelter and warmth. They also love closed spaces which are rarely used, such as attics and wall cavities, because they serve as an ideal protected environment where they can raise their young. Bats are quiet animals and are active at night so colonies are able to grow quickly without homeowners being aware.

Nevertheless, they should not be encouraged to stay in your house. They can cause problems and expose you to health risks  such as rabies and histoplasmosis. While we mentioned that they are not naturally aggressive, be wary because wild animals are called wild animals for a reason: they can act unpredictably when faced with threatening situations. It would be your wisest choice to leave that DIY animal control idea off your mind and call for animal control experts like Skedaddle's trained professionals who can provide bat exclusion services.

Bat exclusion is the best answer to your bat infestation problems since it is a long term solution. In Canada, bats are protected by the government because of the significant role they play in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. Identifying their entry points and removing them without locking any adults or babies inside takes practice and expertise.

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