Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Illnesses Caused by Rodent Droppings

Pests such as rodents are small enough to enter your home through any small holes, cracks or rotten wood. Once they get in your property, they start building nests and raising their young. When they multiply, the likelihood of transmitting a disease increases.
Rats and mice transmit harmful insects, bacteria and diseases through their bite, fresh urine, droppings and nesting materials. Failure to get animal control services to remove these pests may harm your health or the guests you have at home.

The deer mouse is a rodent that you do not want to infest your home. These small animals may seem cute but may be carriers of disease such as the hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Signs of an infestation include the appearance of their nests and its materials, and gnawed objects..
The Diseases that Rodents Transmit
Hantavirus is a potentially life-threatening illness transmitted to a human host by rodents. People get the infection through inhalation or exposure to droppings, saliva or urine. The chances of getting the disease increase when you live near where mice and rats live. The early symptoms of this include fatigue, fever and muscle aches in areas such as the thighs, shoulders, back and hips. A patient may also experience dizziness, headaches, abdominal problems, vomiting, nausea, chills and others. Without proper wildlife control and proper cleaning and decontamination, rodents are likely to infest your property.

Histoplasmosis is a disease caused by breathing in spores of fungus found in droppings. These spores become airborne during clean ups or demolitions, increasing the likelihood of infection. Most people with this ailment will not feel or display any of the symptoms. However, elders, children and people with a respiratory illness are more susceptible to infection. The symptoms may appear between three to 17 days after exposure, these include; fever, chills, headache, muscle aches and dry cough.
Salmonellosis is a type of food poisoning that rodents transmit through their droppings through eating contaminated food. The symptoms of this disease include fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea. These develop within 12 to 72 hours after you get an infection, and the ailment may last from four to seven days; you can recover without treatment. However, dehydration and diarrhea may be so severe, you might have to go to the hospital.
Rat-bite fever is an acute, febrile human disease caused by bacteria transmitted by mice and rats. These animals transmit this illness to humans through their mucous secretions or urine. You may get this ailment through a rat’s bite or eating and drinking food or water contaminated with urine and droppings.
These are only some of the diseases you may get when you are exposed to rodent droppings and fail to remove them properly. With the help of an animal control expert, you get rid of the mice and rats that infested your property.
How to Remove Rodents Properly
The mistake of many homeowners is that they try to do things on their own, even if they lack the expertise, experience and gear. This same is true for animal control, mishandling nesting materials, droppings and cleaning of living spaces may spread disease in various parts of your home.
An animal control expert will help you get rid of rodents that infested your property. They will make sure to remove all rats and mice in your home, no matter where they are hiding. Once they remove the animals, they will help you implement ways to prevent a re-infestation.

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