Wednesday, March 9, 2016

When Does Bat Mating Begin

Bats are very interesting mammals and are known for their nocturnal ways and their ability to fly. They roost in large numbers in caves, abandoned mines and houses, and forage at night with the aid of their unique ability: echolocation. This ability makes use of the sound waves which bats release to familiarize themselves with the environment by bouncing of waves through objects. They interpret these messages and get a clear image of their surroundings.

One more thing unique to bats is their mating behaviour. Bats which live in warm tropical areas do not hibernate and mate according to seasonal food supply. Bats which hibernate, on the other hand, participate in a somewhat social event in their hibernation sites every mating season.

Although mating season and behaviour may vary from every bat specie, the most common mating season for bats occurs in the late summer and early autumn. Bats meet in hibernation sites also known as hibernacula. These sites are where female and male bats choose their mates. Bats swarm these sites during the mating season and exhibit their flying skills and aerobatics. After female and male bats have picked their mates, they then proceed to more secluded areas to mate.

Some species are more private compared to other ones. These species, like the horseshoe bats, do not pick their mates in swarms. Instead, females visit male roosts individually.

Another differing mating behaviour for bats is demonstrated by arboreal bats. They attract female bats by honking at them as they line up in trees along the riverbank. This behavior is encouraged by their enlarged larynx and nasal cavity. The males sing to the females and flap their wings in rhythm. The females then hover around their preferred male for the duration of the male's singing and flapping performance.

During mating season, many bats are more prone to infest people's houses to find shelter during their gestation period. As a homeowner, one may be worried about the hazards brought by these flying mammals.

While DIY animal control may be an option, it is still the wise decision to call professional wildlife control companies like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to take care of your bat situation. This way, animal control procedures do not harm the bats and you will not be exposed to certain risks that are involved when doing the removal on your own.

Skedaddle’s Wildlife Technicians are trained to ensure proper bat exclusion. They use a series of one-way doors to allow the bats to exit your home. When this is done, your house is sealed to prevent possible re-entry. 

Animals are living things and we should choose to remove them from our homes the humane way. Through efficient and effective methods of experts from Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, you do not only get rid of the infestation, you also protect your home from future wildlife infestations via exclusion.

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