Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Food Baits and Traps: Why They Are More Dangerous Than You Think

Did you see a raccoon or mouse around your property? There is a good chance that they already have a den in your attic, crawl space or basement. They will also likely have young that they nurse and feed. Your first instinct might be to try to trap the adult animals using food. However, before you trap the animals there are a few things that you must know.

Trapping and Killing Animals

Without proper assistance from an animal control expert, trapping and attempting to kill wildlife may make them more aggressive. For example, a mother raccoon will do everything and anything to get her young back and get to a den. When you trap it, she will claw and bite at you until she gets out. You may get hurt or severely injured trying to defend yourself.

Using a trap injures the animal, and makes it difficult to catch and remove it from your property. There are humane ways to capture, and get rid of raccoons, squirrels, skunks and other creatures safely.

Transmit Disease

It is difficult to determine if the animal you trapped is rabid or not. Trapped and rabid wildlife will be more aggressive, scratching and biting furiously. Trying to approach it to subdue is more difficult. The animal might bite you and transmit rabies, a potentially deadly disease if not treated immediately.

Improper handling of an injured or dying animal may also transmit diseases, germs and bacteria. You need help from a wildlife control expert to handle the creature properly.

Cause Property Damage

When you capture baby raccoons, their mother will do anything to find them. They will claw and tear through shingles to get to their den or determine the location of their young. They will destroy rotten wood, walls, soffits, roofing or other parts during their search. Injured animals will become more desperate to survive, they will tear through anything just to protect themselves and their young.

Best Way to Remove Animals

Do-it-yourself animal removal will save a few dollars or the hassle of looking for an animal control expert, however, you may injure yourself or the animal in the process. With the help of a wildlife remover, things will go smoothly.

Expert removers have the gear, humane techniques and knowhow to determine the exact location of the animals that infested your home. They will remove all traces of infestation by deodorizing, cleaning droppings and urine, and remove nesting materials to prevent a re-infestation.

When you choose an animal remover, select one that has experience, credentials and a high satisfaction rate among previous clients.

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