Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bats as Carriers of Diseases : Top Common Viruses Carried by Nesting Bats in Canada

Bats are a common pest found in Canadian homes and should be removed by professionals immediately. Bats can be a health hazard to the home as the creature is known to carry certain diseases such as rabies or develop histoplasmosis in the home. Learn more about bats and the diseases they can spread in the home to ensure your family members and friends stay healthy.

Histoplasma Capsulatum is a fungus in which bats are a host. This fungus can turn into histoplasmosis which can affect people. Histoplasmosis is a lung disease that can affect humans when the spores of the fungus are breathed into the lungs. The spores can be found in the home via bat droppings. Piles of droppings will have to be a few years old to create this disease in the home but if you have no idea that bats are living in your attic or crawl spaces, then you may not know you have an issue. Infected individuals will become sick and can have a mild fever associated with such pains as muscle aches and respiratory issues. Infants as well as individuals who have a poor immune system are susceptible. Knowing these bat facts in regards to the disease will help you get a proper diagnosis.

Treatment of this disease requires diagnosis. Mild symptoms will resemble other illnesses so it can be hard to diagnosis unless you know that your home is affected by bats. A sample of tissue can be tested to see if the disease is present.

The Lyssavirus Rabies virus is where the disease rabies stems from and is a virus that can affect the immune system, in particularly the nervous system. This is a disease that bats can carry and one that you do not want. When a bat has rabies and bites you, then you will be infected with the disease as the virus is found in the saliva and will enter the bloodstream upon a bite.

Proper bat control and bat removal in the home will help to eliminate the fear of rabies. If you find that bats are living in attic spaces or seem to be entering your home in some manner, professional assistance is required. If these bats were to remain in your home and have rabies, then you could be at risk of being infected with the virus. Many times, the symptoms of rabies are not seen for many months and the individual will face certain death as they are not treated properly. The disease actually infects the brain and is a very serious condition.

Bat removal is a service that can be provided when bats are already present in the home. Experts in bat removal will be able to visit your home, find entry and exit points and work on removing the creature. If you do not have bats in the home presently but want to take preventative measures to ensure bats do not enter your space, service options are also available. Bats can fit into tiny spaces so it is essential to have your home evaluated for weak points.

Talk to the experts at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to learn more about bats and how they can affect the home. Schedule service for your bat problem or learn how you can effectively protect your home from this pesky creature.


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