Sunday, September 11, 2016

What Attracts Skunks To Your Yard

Everyone in the world is aware of the black and white animal known as a skunk. The unique creature has the ability to spray a fluid that is quite stinky as a means of self-defence. Most individuals have smelled the spray of a skunk at some point and time and never wants to be victim of the vicious spray. If a skunk is seen near the home, homeowners want to do whatever they can to get the skunk to go far away. But how do you keep skunks from your yard and home? Read on to see a few top tips to avoid this stinky creature.

Remove Any Source of Food
Skunks are attracted by food sources so if you have something in your yard that attracts the creature, they will hang around. Make sure that garbage cans are sealed correctly and lids are not easily removed. Skunks like garbage and will try to eat what they can from your cans. Be sure to check and see that no food sources are available on your property. If you have nuts, fruit trees or berry bushes, be sure to keep these cleaned and tended to. Skunks like to eat what falls on the ground and may not leave your property if they have found a solid food source.

Light Up Your Home
Skunks are nocturnal animals who only come out at night in search of food. Light frightens the creatures and they will run away when exposed to bright light. Consider adding a motion light to your home when you suspect skunks are present. This type of light will come on with movement. The skunk will see the flash of bright light and instantly run away, going somewhere else to try and find food.

Another option is to add automated sprinklers to your yard. This is a more expensive option but one that will benefit your yard and deter skunks. Such systems are automated and will turn on with motion. If a skunk or another animal enters your yard space, they will be sprayed. The water will be a deterrent for the animal to never visit your home again.

Create a Barrier

You can choose to add a barrier if you find that skunks are commonly visiting your land. Skunks do not have the ability to climb well so a barrier such as a wire mesh fence will keep the creatures out. However, skunks can dig so you will need to make sure that any fencing is deep so that the skunk cannot dig under the fence line and enter your property.

Consider all these ideas and what will work best for your property to deter any skunks from entering your land. If you continue to have issues, it is wise to contact professional assistance. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is a pest control company that offers quality and humane removal services. The company will work with you to remove skunks and other creatures with ease. A plan will be developed for removal as well as recommendations on what you can do to prevent further visits from skunks or other animals. Contact Skedaddle today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.


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