Sunday, October 16, 2016

Bats as Carriers of Diseases : Top Common Viruses Carried by Nesting Bats in Canada

Bats are a common pest found in Canadian homes and should be removed by professionals immediately. Bats can be a health hazard to the home as the creature is known to carry certain diseases such as rabies or develop histoplasmosis in the home. Learn more about bats and the diseases they can spread in the home to ensure your family members and friends stay healthy.

Histoplasma Capsulatum is a fungus in which bats are a host. This fungus can turn into histoplasmosis which can affect people. Histoplasmosis is a lung disease that can affect humans when the spores of the fungus are breathed into the lungs. The spores can be found in the home via bat droppings. Piles of droppings will have to be a few years old to create this disease in the home but if you have no idea that bats are living in your attic or crawl spaces, then you may not know you have an issue. Infected individuals will become sick and can have a mild fever associated with such pains as muscle aches and respiratory issues. Infants as well as individuals who have a poor immune system are susceptible. Knowing these bat facts in regards to the disease will help you get a proper diagnosis.

Treatment of this disease requires diagnosis. Mild symptoms will resemble other illnesses so it can be hard to diagnosis unless you know that your home is affected by bats. A sample of tissue can be tested to see if the disease is present.

The Lyssavirus Rabies virus is where the disease rabies stems from and is a virus that can affect the immune system, in particularly the nervous system. This is a disease that bats can carry and one that you do not want. When a bat has rabies and bites you, then you will be infected with the disease as the virus is found in the saliva and will enter the bloodstream upon a bite.

Proper bat control and bat removal in the home will help to eliminate the fear of rabies. If you find that bats are living in attic spaces or seem to be entering your home in some manner, professional assistance is required. If these bats were to remain in your home and have rabies, then you could be at risk of being infected with the virus. Many times, the symptoms of rabies are not seen for many months and the individual will face certain death as they are not treated properly. The disease actually infects the brain and is a very serious condition.

Bat removal is a service that can be provided when bats are already present in the home. Experts in bat removal will be able to visit your home, find entry and exit points and work on removing the creature. If you do not have bats in the home presently but want to take preventative measures to ensure bats do not enter your space, service options are also available. Bats can fit into tiny spaces so it is essential to have your home evaluated for weak points.

Talk to the experts at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control to learn more about bats and how they can affect the home. Schedule service for your bat problem or learn how you can effectively protect your home from this pesky creature.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

What Attracts Skunks To Your Yard

Everyone in the world is aware of the black and white animal known as a skunk. The unique creature has the ability to spray a fluid that is quite stinky as a means of self-defence. Most individuals have smelled the spray of a skunk at some point and time and never wants to be victim of the vicious spray. If a skunk is seen near the home, homeowners want to do whatever they can to get the skunk to go far away. But how do you keep skunks from your yard and home? Read on to see a few top tips to avoid this stinky creature.

Remove Any Source of Food
Skunks are attracted by food sources so if you have something in your yard that attracts the creature, they will hang around. Make sure that garbage cans are sealed correctly and lids are not easily removed. Skunks like garbage and will try to eat what they can from your cans. Be sure to check and see that no food sources are available on your property. If you have nuts, fruit trees or berry bushes, be sure to keep these cleaned and tended to. Skunks like to eat what falls on the ground and may not leave your property if they have found a solid food source.

Light Up Your Home
Skunks are nocturnal animals who only come out at night in search of food. Light frightens the creatures and they will run away when exposed to bright light. Consider adding a motion light to your home when you suspect skunks are present. This type of light will come on with movement. The skunk will see the flash of bright light and instantly run away, going somewhere else to try and find food.

Another option is to add automated sprinklers to your yard. This is a more expensive option but one that will benefit your yard and deter skunks. Such systems are automated and will turn on with motion. If a skunk or another animal enters your yard space, they will be sprayed. The water will be a deterrent for the animal to never visit your home again.

Create a Barrier

You can choose to add a barrier if you find that skunks are commonly visiting your land. Skunks do not have the ability to climb well so a barrier such as a wire mesh fence will keep the creatures out. However, skunks can dig so you will need to make sure that any fencing is deep so that the skunk cannot dig under the fence line and enter your property.

Consider all these ideas and what will work best for your property to deter any skunks from entering your land. If you continue to have issues, it is wise to contact professional assistance. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is a pest control company that offers quality and humane removal services. The company will work with you to remove skunks and other creatures with ease. A plan will be developed for removal as well as recommendations on what you can do to prevent further visits from skunks or other animals. Contact Skedaddle today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Raccoon Prevention Strategies

Raccoons may seem cute and cuddly but the animal is a major pest when it takes over the home. Raccoons are intelligent and use their smarts to gain entry into a home to make a nice and cozy place to live. This species of animal is nocturnal and likes to make a sleep space in attics, crawl space or chimneys. Raccoons can damage areas of your home that they infest as well as carry diseases such as rabies which can be a hazard in the home. Learning what to do when a raccoon is found in the home is imperative to make your house a safe environment once again.

 Why Do Raccoons Enter the Home?

Raccoons in a natural setting will live in a tree or hollows. In an urban area, raccoons find attics and crawlspaces, and cozy and premade homes. Raccoons actually prefer to live in manmade areas and will enter your home even if you are inside. In the warmth of your home, raccoons will enjoy living and creating a family which can lead to even more of the creatures inside your space!

Health Hazards

There are many health hazards associated with raccoons, the worst and well-known issue being rabies. However, raccoons also can contaminate the home with their feces. Raccoon feces can be infected with a type of roundworm known as Baylisascaris. This can cause illness if the eggs of roundworm are ingested.  

This is why Toronto raccoon removal is so important. A professional in the field of wildlife removal will be able to remove the raccoon from your home as well as clean the space after. Your home will be clear of contaminants so you do not have to worry about sickness or disease after the removal is completed.

Once the raccoon is removed, the technician will suggest options for cleaning and clearing the affected space. This could include restoration of the space with new insulation, framing and more. With removal service, the raccoon will be taken from the home in a safe manner, allowing you to feel good about the animal’s removal. Traps are used that will remove the animal but protect it from harm in the process.

Preventing Raccoons from Entering the Home

Now that you know about raccoons and how Toronto raccoon removal works, you should consider preventing raccoons from entering the home. Any potential openings to your home need to be identified. Any openings found can be blocked with heavy gauge screening to ensure the raccoon cannot enter. An expert will be able to evaluate your home and determine any areas that may be susceptible to raccoons getting inside. If you feel that your home may be at risk, contact a wildlife inspection to see if your home is vulnerable. After an inspection a wildlife specialist will be able to provide options for protecting your home.

To learn more about raccoon removal in the home, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. The pest removal company has vast experience in assisting homeowners in animal and pest issues including raccoons. Contact Skedaddle today to see if you have a home that is vulnerable or for the removal of such pests.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Help raccoons are digging up my Lawn!

There are many critters that can be damaging to your landscaping. Animals like to dig holes, create homes and generally make a mess in neighborhoods. If you are a homeowner who is experiencing issues with raccoon damage, it is important to learn how to remove such animals from your life. Below are a few tips on how to avoid raccoon damage to your landscaping as well as home. 

Landscaping Damage
Raccoons are diggers and scavengers. The creatures like to get into everything and home owners are never happy with the results. No one wants to see their yard dug up, especially a garden space. Raccoons love to eat and will easily dig up garden veggies just to have a meal. It is important to learn how to make raccoons go away so you can enjoy your home without damage. 

Light Up the Space
If you have raccoons making nightly visits, consider lighting up the space. Raccoons are nocturnal creatures who come out at night to eat their meals. To keep raccoons from getting into your garbage or in your garden, add a motion light. Motion lights are very affordable and can be added anywhere around the home. When motion is detected, the light will come on. The light will scare the raccoon and make the animal go away. This is a great way to avoid having this type of creature in your yard space. 

Garbage Control
Garbage is a big prize for raccoons. The garbage cans of a home are easy pickings, especially if they are easily accessible. It is important for home owners to keep the garbage area cleaned up. Lids should close well so that raccoons cannot dump the garbage out. Raccoons can easily overturn a can and get into the garbage. If you find that raccoons are getting into your garbage try moving the cans to a new location or getting better receptacles that will close tightly. 

Make Noise
Racoons also do not like noise, so making any loud sound in the area they are frequenting can work to get the animal to stay away. Consider placing a radio tuned to talk shows in the garden area for a few nights to see if the raccoons stay away. Try this for some time and if you are successful, remove the radio. Hopefully the raccoons will stay away. If not, try the method again for a longer period of time. 

If raccoons are affecting a particular area of your home, consider adding fencing. A mesh fencing that is installed down deep and high will keep the creatures out of your yard. Raccoons cannot climb well but can dig. You want to make sure you have a fence installed that is high and deep enough to keep the raccoons at bay. 

Professional Removal Service.
Raccoon removal Toronto services will ensure that the raccoons are removed from your property and never come back. A service company will be able to inspect your home and find the areas in which the raccoons are accessing your yard. A plan of action will be made to remove the animals and make sure they do not return. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control for assistance in removing raccoons from your property.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Rat Bite Fever Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Rat bite fever is a serious disease that oddly enough does not always come from being bitten by a rat. Individuals are most commonly affected by rat bite fever due to contaminated water or food that has been infected by a rat in the home. If not treated, an individual can become very ill and even die. Learn how the fever is contracted as well as symptoms and treatment options if infected. 

Transmission of Rat Bite Fever
Rat bite fever is transmitted in a few ways. First, individuals can be affected by being scratched or bitten by a rat, mouse or gerbil. Anyone who handles a rodent that has the disease can become infected even without being scratched or bitten. Food or drink that has been contaminated with rat bite fever can lead to infection. Once you have rat bite fever, you cannot transmit the disease to another individual. 

Symptoms of Rat Bite Fever
There are two types of rat bite fever. The first is known as streptobacillary RBF and has symptoms such as fever, vomiting, headache, pain the muscles, joint pain or rash. These symptoms will begin around 3 to 10 days after being exposed to an infected rodent. After two to four days after a fever begins, a rash will occur on hands and feet. 

The second type of rat bite fever is known as spirillary RBF. Symptoms of this type include fever, an ulcer on the bite wound, swelling near the wound, swollen lymph nodes and rash. Symptoms take longer to develop with this type, from 7 to 21 days after being exposed. 

If you believe you are suffering from rat bite fever, contact your health care provider immediately. You want to let your physician know that you have been exposed to rats and that you need treatment. Your doctor should prescribe you antibiotics that will help to cure the disease with penicillin the most commonly used medication for treatment. 

Without treatment, you can suffer from major health concerns such as infections in the heart, brain and lungs. Abscesses in internal organs can also take place. Death is rare with infection of rat bite fever but can happen if the issue is not treated by a professional. 

Avoid Exposure
The best way to avoid rat bite fever is to avoid exposure with rodents. If you have rodents in the home, have a professional remove them. Getting rid of rodents is a tough job and most homeowners are not equipped to handle removal. By contacting a professional removal company, you will be able to have the experts handle the rodent removal with ease. 

Once you have contacted a rodent removal company, an inspection of your property will take place. The threat level will be assessed and a plan put in place to remove the rodents as well as cleaning and treating the area. The pests are removed and the wildlife technician will recommend cleaning techniques as well as what to do to ensure that such creatures are not gaining access to your home again. 

For all your rodent removal needs, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. You will be working with expert rodent removal services to ensure you home is free from the unwanted pests.

What is Integrated Pest Management?

Pests are a common occurrence in the home. Almost every home owner has experienced a pest of some kind in the home, be it a squirrel, bird, raccoon or other animal or insect. Most home owners are not experienced or equipped to handle pest infestations and this work is better left to the experts. Because infestations and pest issues can vary, it is important to work with a company who has experience with Integrated Pests Management and humane wildlife control

IPM is a solution that calculates and customizes strategies for your specific pest control needs. When it comes to pests in the home, every situation is different. A one-size-fits-all approach is not going to work. If you are in need of pest removal services, you want to work with a company who covers IPM solutions. 

Customized to Your Service Need
With IPM services, you will have access to options that are customized to your given situation. Pests are different as well as how they enter the home, where they have created a nest, etc. You want to have access to integrated pest management services to ensure your problem is taken care of correctly instead of just some basic service option provided. 

Understanding the IPM Approach
The approach of IPM is completed in three basic steps. These steps were created to make the process work with ease. 

Step 1: The Inspection of the Area
With this step, the area is inspected to determine what types of pests are involved, how they are entering the property, etc. The technician carefully goes over your home to gain the information needed to move forward. 

Step 2: Identification of any existing pest problems
Once the inspection is completed, the technician will be able to identify the pest problems at hand. Each pest will be cataloged and a plan of action put in place to be able to remove the critters from your home. 

Step 3: Removal and Exclusion
The last step will involve the actual removal of the pest along with exclusion. Various methods are used based on your given situation to remove the critters and put your home back in proper working order. Once the animal is removed, the technician will then work on exclusion. This means that a plan will be put in place to ensure the same type of infestation will not happen again. This can include blocking entry ways and filling gaps in seams of walls, foundation, windows and doorways. 

Identify and Avoid
Once the problem areas have been located, a wildlife technician will be able to help you implement IPM techniques as well as practices to resolve such issues. specific actions that are used in IPM services include:

Limited use or eliminating the use of chemicals
Structural repair and maintenance
Modifying behavior to prevent problems with rodents or insects (including garbage removal technicians, cleaning, etc.)

Professional assistance with humane wildlife control is always needed when pests enter the home. Consider working with Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control whenever you have an animal or insect issue. The company uses quality IPM techniques to ensure your situation is handled with a customized plan. Contact Skedaddle today to learn more about service options and schedule an appointment for inspection.

Humane Ways To Get Rid Of Squirrels From Your Home

Squirrels may seem cute and cuddly but can easily become a nuisance if they gain entry into the home. Squirrels are a common animal that likes to make attics or crawlspaces a home, creating a nest and starting a family. But you do not want such creatures living in your home causing destruction to insulation or other areas of the home. How do you remove such creatures without harming them? Below are a few ideas for wildlife control Ottawa to get you started removing squirrels from the home in a safe and humane way. 

Evaluate the Infestation
To get started, you will need to evaluate the infestation. You need to be able to determine if you actually have squirrels in the home. Have you heard little feet running through the attic space? If so, take a high powered flashlight and check out the area. If you see a nest or actual squirrels, then you have problem. You will need to find ways to remove the squirrels and relocate them to another area far away from your home. If babies are present, you will have a harder time with removal and may want to seek assistance from the experts. 

Light and Sound
One way in which squirrels can be removed from the home is with light and sound. Once you know their location, place a lamp with an LED bulb for safety to light up the area. Add a radio and turn it on to produce sound in the space. Squirrels want to sleep soundly so the light and sound will become annoying which will lead to the animal moving out of the space. 

Trapping Methods
A trap can also work to remove the squirrel without harming the animal. Purchase a one way door trap and lead the squirrel to the harmless invention. Once the squirrel is inside it will not be able to get back out again. You can then take the trap and relocate the squirrel away from your home. It is recommended that you travel at least three miles from your property to ensure the squirrel does not come back. 

Predator Urine
Another option that will remove squirrels from the home is predator urine. Purchase fox urine from an online retailer or from a farm supply store to scare the squirrel into leaving. The squirrel will smell the urine, which should be placed near the nest, and will think danger is present. The squirrel will move away to avoid any danger. 

Professional Assistance
If you find that your squirrel problem is too much for you to handle, consider hiring the wildlife control experts in Ottawa. Wildlife experts will be able to assess your infestation and work quickly to have the squirrels removed from the home. Once removed, the technician will be able to help you learn what to do to avoid this from happening again. In most cases, any points of entry will need to be blocked with a wire mesh to keep any squirrels from gaining access to the home once again. 

If you are in need of squirrel removal services, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. Their quality wildlife removal services will have your home cleared in no time, providing humane removal services with ease.