Monday, July 11, 2016

Best Animal Control Protocols and Practices

When it comes to pest control we are often tempted to use poisons to kill these critters when they come crawling into our yards or homes. The poison may be effective, but have you ever thought of the kind of danger you may be exposing to your family and pets? Your dog may eat some of the poisoned food or even a young child may be curious and play with it.  To avoid these dangerous situations there are better animal control practices and protocols that can help deal with pests other than the use of poisons.

The use of pesticides has numerous disadvantages both to human beings and nature at large. For example in reference to Rodenticides, Health Canada(PMRA) says, “Rodenticides are highly acutely toxic compounds, and can be used in residential and agricultural settings. Additional protective measures are warranted in order to prevent exposure of children, pets and non-target wildlife to these chemicals”.

As important as safety measures are it doesn’t always keep you 100% protected. Here are other options to assist with animal control that don't involve the use of pesticides.
  • Block all Entry Points
The use of pesticides only deal with the immediate problem and does not offer preventive measures. Sealing all the entry points is one of the best ways to avoid any wildlife infestation. It involves repairing all broken windows, doors, roofs and sealing the cracks in the house using cement and metals to prevent even mice from getting into the house. On the outside block any holes in the fence with heavy gauge wire s and if possible strengthen them with heavy materials to prevent the entry of raccoons and skunks.
  • Cleanliness
Some animals like skunks or squirrels will be attracted to your yard mostly by the availability of food found in garbage cans, gardens and bird seed lying around. If you tend  to regularly leave dirty dishes in the kitchen, of course,  mice will notice and become your regular “friends.”
To deal with these rodents, you have to cut their food supply. It involves replacing plastic garbage lids with metallic lids or reinforcing the cover with heavy materials. Keep your yard and gardens clean by not throwing waste inappropriately. Make sure that you was all dishes after every meal and turn off the taps in the house when water is not in use. Finally, make sure all food or water containers are sealed in your home.
  • Home maintenance
Keeping your yard well maintained and clear of clutter can go along way toward making it less inviting to wildlife. If they don’t have places to hide, they’re less likely to nest or den on the property. Trimming back trees and branches can also prevent wildlife from accessing your roof.
  • Hire specialists
These are personnel who are well trained in animal control practices. However, when hiring a professional, you should request him/ her to provide you with the following documents:
  • License
  • Certificate from a reputable animal control institution
  • Written service guarantee
  • List of references or testimonials from previous customers
  • Schedule showing his/her follow- up activities
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has a team of dedicated and well-trained specialists who have always been on the front line to fight for humane animal control. Because of this, the institution has earned itself a name and a place in the hearts of many in Canada. They are very efficient and offer a wide variety of services. The next time you are serching for a company to help you with your wildlife infestation, why not call Skedaddle and visit their website 

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