Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What is that sound coming from your walls?

Are your family members complaining of scratching and gnawing noises in the ceiling and walls? If this is the case you may be sheltering some uninvited guests….  mice. They use walls as hiding places or even as homes depending on the safety of the area. They make the scratching sounds at night when searching for food and building a safe shelter.

With time, these rodents find their way into the different rooms of your home and can cause unthinkable damage.  Mice have been known to damage insulation, or gnaw electrical wires causing power disruptions. Rats can also transmit diseases to human beings either directly or indirectly through their feces and urine. Getting rid of mice in your walls is crucial before they find their way into your kitchen or bedrooms.

This is not going to be an easy task, you need to know how the mice entered into the walls in the first place. This includes inspecting all areas inside and outside of the home, remember mice can fit through minuscule holes and climb almost any wall. Small holes and gnawed foods near the holes indicate their presence. Also, droppings and nests made of tattered pieces of cloth can also help confirm their presence.

There are some ideas that you can try to prevent mice from getting into your home.
  • Use of peppermint
It may seem strange but mice actually do not like the smell of mint. A good and simple option is to plant mint around the perimeter of your home which will deter mice from crossing into your home. Even the use of a diffuser with a peppermint oil has proven to work in keeping not only mice but spiders, and other insects at bay.
  • Use of traps and poisons
Traps and poisons are commonly used in many households and to some, they do work. However, these are not the best options available for getting rid of mice in walls as they have many disadvantages. Use of poisons and traps can be dangerous to human beings and pets in the home if placed in the wrong places. For instance, you might find your pet on a trap you had laid for rats and not everyone enjoys removing ead mice in their house.
  • Use of cats
These two animals are not the best of friends especially if your cat hunts for its food. Mice view the presence of cats in the house as a threat to their lives and it is even said that just the smell of a cat is something a mice cannot withstand.
  • Sealing up holes
Sealing holes is the most efficient method of preventing a mice infestation. Once you are sure all the mice are removed cover the crevices and cracks on the walls with steel and concrete if need be to ensure that they don't re- enter. Although this may seem like a simple job it may be worthwhile to contact an animal control specialist.  Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control in Hamilton is just one of the locations that is ready to help you with any animal control issues you may have. Their wildlife control technicians will ensure that only the most effective yet humane methods are used to remove the mice.

Getting rid of mice in your walls and other areas in your house will not be a problem to them as they have well-trained specialists who can handle this issue very quickly, clean the area thoroughly and make sure that you will never have to deal with an infestation again.

DIY Bat Exclusion Device

Let’s be honest, none of us would be happy about the idea of bats living under our roof except if it was Batman, of course! Just like us, even bats find buildings more attractive than trees or caves because they not only get shelter but also security. So, if left unchecked, this small issue can get out of hand and turn into a major problem. You could find a handful of bat colonies in your attic, so with a few tips and tricks you can make your home bat proof.

Bat exclusion can be time consuming, complex and may require the help of an expert, but if you believe you can do the job yourself, then there are variety of bat exclusion devices that are available for you. Do not try to quick fix the problem by using bright lights, mothballs or noise which may prove ineffective for stubborn bats. It does not matter what type of devices you choose, as long as you understand the use and installation technique.

You can start by standing outside of your house at dusk to observe where the bats are getting in. Once you locate the area they are living in your home you can begin to seal off any holes or gaps they aren’t currently being used.  You don’t want to block off the main entry point as it is  inhumane, illegal and dangerous to trap bats inside your house. Find out all the information you can on what type of bat you are dealing  with and details like their size, behaviours and birthing seasons to perform a proper bat exclusion.

Some of the Bat exclusion device options:
  • Window screen – You have to ensure that you install the screen in such a way that it leaves a small  gap for bats to move out but not come back in. Also, keep in mind that bats may not use the exit point if they find it obstructive. So be very careful.
  • Funnels – If you have identified small holes that are being used by bats for entry and exit, then a funnel can be of help. You may create a funnel out of a bottle (cut open both the ends) or even buy it in a store. You may also find special funnels called Batcones and they are available online.
  • Bat netting – You can find good poly netting in a wildlife control supply store online that can be used to create valves and remove bats from structures. It is usually stiffer than a window screen and not easily ripped.
It is advisable to install these devices at night because bats are nocturnal and you can be sure that most are out of your home. Ensure that you have bought or made enough devices to cover every possible area. After you have installed these devices, you will have to monitor them for a few days to ensure that each and every bat has left. If you still find some of them left behind, then it's possible that you have either missed an entry point or the device wasn’t installed properly. Unfortunately you may have to start from scratch and re-install the devices.

As you can see this is not an easy process and can be very time consuming.  We all don’t have the extra time to spend on effective bat exclusion but the good news is there are always professionals like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control you can call. These are experts in effective and humane wildlife control and you can be confident they will get the job done properly and prevent any future infestations in your home.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Is DIY Rodent Control an Effective process?

I am sure that you have heard that a rodent infestation is not easy to get rid of. It is the main reason why you should call an animal control professional when there is a problem.  They will make sure that the job is done right however some people prefer taking care of the problem themselves. This is not necessarily a bad choice but, remember DIY control methods must be done properly to avoid future infestations. More often, hiring a animal control company is by far more economical because they can help you get rid of the problem and keep it from coming back for good.

If you still want to try out some DIY rodent control methods you need to understand, before you get down and dirty, the characteristics and behaviour of the rodent you are trying to get rid of.

These following tips will help you with everything there is to know about DIY rodent elimination.

Prepare yourself

Gather as much information on the rodent that is infesting your house. There are some animal control companies you can contact to get some advice and or even a free assessment of the situation.

It is important to understand the eating habits and activities of rodents. Rodents are mostly nocturnal and are highly active at night. They have the habit of gnawing and they can chew through your furniture or cause damage to the house. They also have a high rate of reproduction, therefore elimination of these rodents must be as quick and thorough as possible.

Invest in tools

Once you have studied their behaviour and gathered everything there is to know about them – like the degree of infestation, their nesting area and activities; you can list down your requirements. You can get a wide range of traps and devices from any hardware shop but it's important to get help from experts and choose the right device.

Baits can prove effective for rats, mice, roaches, ants etc. but they are not highly recommended for use inside the home as they contain poison and may harm children and pets, if ingested.

There are many traps that are specially designed for mice and rats but choosing the right one is essential. A mice trap would be too small for a rat while a rat trap will be too large for a mouse.

Glue boards are effective too and can be used within the house. For best results it is advisable to select multiple types of devices.

Go time

Now that you have a plan, act on it. Ensure that you invested in the right devices because after all the effort you have put in, you do not want to leave anything to chance. Remove food sources as they are a  major reason why these rodents were attracted to your house. Once the basic items have been taken cared of, install the traps.

Clean up

After a long and tedious task of eliminating rodents, ensure that you have cleaned the place after them. After all, you do not want the stink left behind and the insects that might gather around their nests and breeding areas. Clean up the corners and seal all holes which may pose a future threat.

Lastly, one of the most common ways of getting rid of rodents is to get a cat. Cats are very active creatures and rodents are known to fear even just the smell of them them the most. Cats will help to prevent mice from making their home yours.

Still have rodent problems?

If after considering all DIY rodent control methods that are available, you still have these little furry animals and they are eating your food, creating havoc and turning your life into a living nightmare, get the help of specialist. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control in Oakville will help you protect your family and property from these uninvited visitors. They will help you select the best tools and offer the most effective solutions to your rodent problems. Visit for a complete list of DIY products and tips on how to keep your home wildlife free.

Rodent Problem? How to choose the right Animal Control Company?

Have you ever imagined a world of tiny creatures living behind your walls, above your ceiling or beneath your floor? Though it may seem like a scene from a fairy tale where wildlife animals and humans coexist in peace; it is quite the opposite in reality. These rodents are like fire in the forest – once they infest your house, they make it their home and take over. Before you know it, these rodents can eat up your entire house! Literally!

So, the moment you suspect a rodent problem in the house, you better call in animal removal experts immediately. But before you pick up the phone and call anyone that offers this service, you may want to consider choosing the right professional to do the job. A rodent removal job comes at a cost but, what’s more at stake is your family’s health that you wouldn’t want to compromise at any cost.

Here is a simple guide that will put you in the right direction and help you get rid of rodents once and for all.

When to cry for help?

People tend to ignore there is a  problem especially if you just see one rodent.  However, these rodents are known to carry diseases and they can multiply in numbers very quickly. A mouse is known to multiply 50 to 60 times in a year.  This is a good enough reason not to wait for the issue to get out of hand.

What is to be done?

Before calling in the animal removal wildlife experts, you should know what is expected in a rodent removal process. How do they get rid of these invasive critters? Experts have a variety of tools and techniques that come in handy to make the job a bit easier which otherwise could be a massive task for the average homeowner. These experts chart out a plan that involves thorough inspection of your house, identifying the entry points for setting up one-way doors and closing or clearing the entry points for future safety. They will ensure your home is rid of each and every single rodent.

What to look for when choosing a professional Wildlife Control Company?

Before you grab your phone and call for help, you need to do some research of your own. You need to figure out the best exterminator in your area but, how?

Step 1 -  Use the most powerful tool at hand – the Internet. You will find many animal removal websites out there and it's important to read through testimonials and customer reviews. It is also a good sign when the company has been in business a long time and have a high rating with the Better Business Bureau.

Step 2 - Conduct your own interview. This is your home and you want the best job done but, since you are not in the same trade you rely on the animal removal expert to do the job for you. Ask them about the methods they use and the number of visits it might take them to finish the job. You may also be interested in knowing the prevention plan, and if there is any guarantee on service.

Step 3 -  Ask for an estimate and be sure to contact 3 or more Exterminators before finalizing the quote that fits your budget. It is important to not immediately go with the cheapest as that does not always mean you will get the best quality.

If you are in this situation right now let Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control help you out! Their exceptional service and company history proves that they will get the job done for you.

How To Get Rid OF Bats In The Attic

While bats are creatures that actually help us humans keep our surroundings clean by gobbling up insects that are harmful to us. We see them as creatures of the night and nocturnal animals have always been viewed as scary.  When you see bats in your house, especially in the attic, there is an eerie feeling and you definitely want to get rid of them immediately.

The first obvious thing to do is call an animal control company and find out all there is to know about bats and the best practices associated with bat removal. You may want to try to remove them yourself, or you may want to call animal control to send in a trained expert to do the job for you. The process of clearing them is not simple and it will certainly help knowing how many bats you are going to have to deal with. You may want to do your homework right and prepare yourself for the complex work ahead. Keeping in mind that killing bats is illegal, here are a few markers that will help you get rid of them in the attic properly.

Observe your opponent. According to experts, bats are vulnerable species. Your attic is safe and warm but their odour and bat droppings are very dangerous to your health.

Timing is everything. Getting rid of bats at the right time of the year is very important. Knowing their breeding cycle and period of hibernation will help you determine when to get rid of them. Avoid the task during their maternity season that is usually in the spring spanning roughly between May and August, during which you will not want to clear adult bats out and leave newborns fending for themselves. They would probably die of hunger before they are able to fly out.

Avoid the winter season completely because bats hibernate during that time, and they will not exit their roost until late spring. Depending on the region you live, an animal control expert will be able to help you find the best timeframe to get the job done right.

Be a tracker. Knowing the entry and exit points of bats will help in preventing them in coming back once you have cleared them out. Inspect all the possible areas of your house that can become entry points and observe where they leave from, during the evening. Some bats can manage to squeeze through holes that are as small as a dime! Completely sealing the point or using one-way devices are two options that you can go try.  Once you ensure the bats have flown out, it gives you the opportunity to permanently seal the entry point.

Call the professionals. When all else fails, leave the job to an expert. They have the right tools and techniques and they provide effective solutions to ensure the job is done properly and eliminate any recurrence in the future.

Bottom line, bat control can prove to be a tedious and messy  task. It is always better to have a professional take care of the situation properly to give you peace of mind. Go to for more information on the animal removal process.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Bats In The House: What to do?

Bats play an important role in our environment and they are actually a benefit to us. They help pollinate plants, eat other insects, help control the mosquito population and are involved in seed dispersal and pollination. However, when they find a way into your home the situation does change and they become pests. They find shelter in chimneys, attics and dark walls of the house.

When bats find their way into your home, there is no need to panic but it's important to stay on top of the situation before it gets worse. If you have to seek help from professionals, then you should look for well-experienced personnel from recognized institutions such as Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control Mississauga. Depending on where they are, there are various ways to remove bats from the house:
Depending on where they are, there are various ways to remove bats from the house:
  • In Attics
This is one of those hiding areas that can be difficult and time consuming for animal control officers because it can be tough to reach the bats. Humane methods are an important part of the procedure which means they first ensure there are no young ones in the attics before they begin the removal process. Once they have determined their entrance and exit points they can then go ahead and remove them from the attic. To prevent them from coming back they will close off all the access points leaving one way for them to escape through when they go to feed.
  • In Chimneys
It's a bit easier to deal with bats in chimneys than in attics since they are restrained to a small area. Shut the damper to prevent the bats from getting into the house. Place a one-way-exclusion device in the evening which will allow them to fly through the top of the chimney but not get back in. Once you are sure there are no more bats, install a chimney cap to ensure they can not get in again. This may seem simple but bats are also creative and can fit through holes the size of a dime so simply closing holes won’t always work effectively. This is where choosing a professional and experienced company like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control in Mississauga is not only the best plan but,  you are guaranteed to be a happy and satisfied customer when they are done.
  • Inside the House
Bats get into the house through many ways. When they get into the living space its usually because they are living inside the attic and have got lost. Inside the house, the bat feels trapped therefore becomes restless. You will find it flying from one corner of the room to another which can cause a panic. The best thing to do is to stay calm and not fight it (or them). A good option is to contact an animal control  professional to help deal with such a scenario. They not only remove the bats from your home but part of their process is to clear and clean any contaminated materials as this can cause many health risks.

Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Animal control Mississauga takes pride in their work of assessing and removing wildlife from homes. They also prevent any return through effective measures they have put in place. They help to control many wildlife animals such as skunks, raccoons, squirrels, mice insects and bats humanely and effectively.

Best Animal Control Protocols and Practices

When it comes to pest control we are often tempted to use poisons to kill these critters when they come crawling into our yards or homes. The poison may be effective, but have you ever thought of the kind of danger you may be exposing to your family and pets? Your dog may eat some of the poisoned food or even a young child may be curious and play with it.  To avoid these dangerous situations there are better animal control practices and protocols that can help deal with pests other than the use of poisons.

The use of pesticides has numerous disadvantages both to human beings and nature at large. For example in reference to Rodenticides, Health Canada(PMRA) says, “Rodenticides are highly acutely toxic compounds, and can be used in residential and agricultural settings. Additional protective measures are warranted in order to prevent exposure of children, pets and non-target wildlife to these chemicals”.

As important as safety measures are it doesn’t always keep you 100% protected. Here are other options to assist with animal control that don't involve the use of pesticides.
  • Block all Entry Points
The use of pesticides only deal with the immediate problem and does not offer preventive measures. Sealing all the entry points is one of the best ways to avoid any wildlife infestation. It involves repairing all broken windows, doors, roofs and sealing the cracks in the house using cement and metals to prevent even mice from getting into the house. On the outside block any holes in the fence with heavy gauge wire s and if possible strengthen them with heavy materials to prevent the entry of raccoons and skunks.
  • Cleanliness
Some animals like skunks or squirrels will be attracted to your yard mostly by the availability of food found in garbage cans, gardens and bird seed lying around. If you tend  to regularly leave dirty dishes in the kitchen, of course,  mice will notice and become your regular “friends.”
To deal with these rodents, you have to cut their food supply. It involves replacing plastic garbage lids with metallic lids or reinforcing the cover with heavy materials. Keep your yard and gardens clean by not throwing waste inappropriately. Make sure that you was all dishes after every meal and turn off the taps in the house when water is not in use. Finally, make sure all food or water containers are sealed in your home.
  • Home maintenance
Keeping your yard well maintained and clear of clutter can go along way toward making it less inviting to wildlife. If they don’t have places to hide, they’re less likely to nest or den on the property. Trimming back trees and branches can also prevent wildlife from accessing your roof.
  • Hire specialists
These are personnel who are well trained in animal control practices. However, when hiring a professional, you should request him/ her to provide you with the following documents:
  • License
  • Certificate from a reputable animal control institution
  • Written service guarantee
  • List of references or testimonials from previous customers
  • Schedule showing his/her follow- up activities
Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has a team of dedicated and well-trained specialists who have always been on the front line to fight for humane animal control. Because of this, the institution has earned itself a name and a place in the hearts of many in Canada. They are very efficient and offer a wide variety of services. The next time you are serching for a company to help you with your wildlife infestation, why not call Skedaddle and visit their website 

Is Euthanasia a Legal form of Animal Control?

There is nothing more painful than watching one's beloved pet slowly succumb to death. It can be as heartbreaking as losing a family member to some people.  If you have went through this experience before then you know how devastating the loss of animal life is. Although many wildlife infestations can be a pain and destructive to your home does that make animal euthanasia the right option?  These animals don't know that it's wrong to trespass into your yard and home,  they are just trying to survive another day. Of course I am not saying that we should welcome skunks, raccoons, squirrels, etc. in our homes.  All I am implying is that there are better methods of handling them as Animal control agencies can and will offer.

It is upsetting that according to the law euthanasia is allowed however, there are some guidelines. The following situations allow for euthanization of an animal :
  • If the animal is considered dangerous and is hard to control
  • If the animal is severely injured and there is no chance of survival
  • If the animal is sick and is incurable
As observed, some people (even the untrained) take advantage of the legalization of euthanasia and cause unthinkable harm to the animals especially intruders. This is where we need to be careful and not take matters into our own hands. When an animal intruder finds its way into your house or neighbourhood, instead of trying to kill it right away, try using humane ways to chase it away or trap it. If this is too time consuming or not possible contact Wildlife Services who will gladly help deal with the situation safely and effectively.

There are several methods the Canadian Council of Animal Care use for Euthanization and it's important to note that a permit is required. These methods include :
  • Gun Shot
  • Carbon Monoxide Chamber
  • Stunning and Decapitation
  • Commercial Poultry Processor
As you can imagine all of these would be painful to watch and imagine happening to any animal however remember there are proper guidelines to be followed. Kitchener animal control experts like those at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control are doing an excellent job in helping people understand that animal intruders such as skunks and raccoons are important to our environment and should be treated fairly even when they trespass into our backyards.

We can all play a part in ending inhumane euthanasia by being educated and aware of what is happening around us. There are some organizations and agencies like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control who have already laid the foundation but need our help to protect the animals.

Killing the animal intruder does not guarantee that you've dealt with the entire situation. It may just be the start of your troubles if you haven’t tried to prevent further infestations. You may eliminate one animal  today and the following morning you find two more. It's important to identify the factors that attract animals to where you find them. If it’s water, for instance, cut the supply or if it's shelter repair the structure to prevent entry.

Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has well-trained specialists who have helped many people solve their pest problems by humane methods that minimize injury and stress to the animals, backed by licensing from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of the Environment. They have continued to offer excellent services regarding humane ways of dealing with some of the world's most destructive pests. For more information on how Skedaddle protects our wildlife while keeping your home safe, check out

Sunday, July 10, 2016

How can Animal Control professionals help you with your pest problem?

Pest control is one of those jobs that is full of unexpected scenarios and is not as easy as one may think.  The simple truth is that this job is complex and requires employees to be able to carry out tasks thoroughly and follow well laid out guidelines when in the field. Below describes just some of the ways animal control professionals deal with pests in your homes.
  • Inspection and identification of pests
This control exercise begins with gathering all the required tools and equipment needed for a thorough job.  Animal control experts carry out a full examination of the home and yard area to identify the problem. Once identified, they take note of the entry points and extent of the damage. They may have trouble locating any wildlife right away, but will continue to search for evidence of their stay by looking for any droppings, gnawing marks, food damaged and also urine stains. It is also important to identify what is attracting the pest to the home or property. The source of attraction could be moisture, heat, food or harbourage.
  • Damage caused
Wildlife can cause both safety and health problems to people and even their pets. They spread diseases, damage structures and contaminate food. They can act as disease vectors and causes of food poisoning in industries and homes. Pests that live inside attics can do damage to electrical, insulation and drywall.
  • Entry points
Animal Control experts deal with the pest problem in your home properly and effectively every time.  They will spend time looking for all possible entry points which help them address the situation at the source i.e. how to remove them and prevent their return. They look at the vulnerability of your roof allowing wildlife in and check vents, soffits and the foundation. They will also check to make sure there are no holes around wires and pipes coming into your home.
  • Humane removal
Experts always perform a humane removal  when dealing with any wildlife infestation. Removals are customized based on the species involved, where they are living and the time of year. Hands on removals ensure that mothers with babies are kept together.
  • Prevention
To prevent the pests from finding their way back, animal control experts cover all the entry points they had earlier identified after dealing with the problem. It may involve repairing the parts of structures that were damaged and sealing holes and spaces on the roof, soffit and foundation.
  • Cleanup damage
After making sure that the home is secure and free from pests a thorough cleaning is done. They will be sure to remove and replace damaged building materials as well as remove any dangerous and odourous droppings.

Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has many locations in Canada to better serve you! Such as their Animal Control location in Hamilton which also offers excellent service when it comes to dealing with wildlife infestations. They have excelled as one of the best local agencies for use of humane methods to deal with pests such as raccoons, skunks, bats, mice, birds and insects among others. Do not  wait until the problem gets out of hand call Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control today!

Do you need Skunks removed from your home?

When the phone rings at a Wildlife Control company, it's not strange to hear a person complaining of odor problems around their home, small holes dug in the yard or pets under threat by skunks. The skunk is a black and white striped animal almost the same size as a house cat and they are well known for their spray which is very foul and can be smelled from long distances. This is a protective measure for the skunk from enemies or even a threat of an attack.  Skunks will enter your property in search of food and water and because they are omnivorous they will feed on almost anything.

When you contact a wildlife professional for help they will most likely use removal and exclusion to effectively get rid of skunks from your home.

Skunk Removal And Exclusion 

Animal control professionals will trail the animal back to its hideout which could be under a shed, porch or deck. It's easy to track their habitat due to smell, droppings and small holes dug as they search for larvae. While these pests can be chased away, this often does not guarantee that they’re not coming back. It's better to leave the job to the animal control pros. They will  identify all the entry points in your yard and block them off. Exclusion is a more humane and a permanent method applied to skunks and other pesky animals. Trapping skunks or other intrusive animals can pose an imminent threat to the health of wildlife especially if there are young babies that still need their mother to survive. Animal control professionals will identify the animal's entry points, remove all wildlife from the area and then block off any holes to prevent any return to the shed, porch or deck.

Exclusion works and it is by far, more effective, more humane, and more budget-friendly compared to other animal control and removal methods.

Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control has established itself as one of the best wildlife control agencies in Canada with highly qualified manpower who are well trained and equipped to deal with skunks, raccoons, mice, bats, squirrels, birds and insects in humane ways. They have many locations to better serve you including animal control services in Oakville. They have proven themselves over the years as one of the best agencies to help deal with wildlife infestations. They are very quick to respond and efficient in the way they handle every situation. For more information visit 

Raccoon Prevention and Removal Methods

Your flower bed is destroyed, the garbage cans are overturned, bird feeders are empty, and to top it all off you can’t find the culprit. Yes this sounds like the work of your typical raccoon. They can be a very annoying houseguest that you may have a tough time getting to leave.

Raccoons are intelligent animals and If you are planning to remove them from your yard, it's important to use humane animal removal methods. The first thing is to identify where they are living and any entry points around your home. It's likely that you will find them in attics, under decks, culverts, chimneys, and sheds.

There is no more effective way for animal removal than to contact the experts like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. Skedaddle has set a good example in providing humane animal removal techniques apart from having trained specialists who offer these services. They will remove these animals from your home, clear and clean the area, and also advise you on how to prevent them from coming back.

Below are some humane animal removal techniques that will help you prevent and protect your home from any further invasion of raccoons:
  • Keep your backyard clean
Employing cleanliness as a humane animal removal technique has not only helped to get rid of raccoons but also other rodents such as mice. Food in the backyards attracts coons. Cleanup all the garbage, food and shake off all the berries from trees. Since they can open garbage cans, purchase those with metal lids and a secure lock. Anything that can store water should be well covered or turned upside down to ensure that it doesn't hold any water. Denying them food and water will make living conditions less appealing and raccoons will opt to leave.
  • Exclusion or Blocking of all entry points
Exclusion is key! Chasing the raccoons from your property is only a temporary measure. If you don't block off all their entry points you can be sure that they will make another uninvited visit. While installing exclusion barriers yourself is good it is recommended to contact a wildlife control company to make sure that the process is done properly. Your Wildlife Technician will identify and seal all potential openings using heavy gauge and by doing so, preventing the raccoons from coming back.
  • Scare them away
This method is more for preventing the wildlife from wanting to stay on your property.  Some of the devices used are radios and ultrasonic noisemakers but, raccoons are smart animals and  soon realize that the devices are harmless. To deal with this, you may have to switch from one device to another from time to time. Raccoons are nocturnal and therefore do not like to much light, so another way is the use of floodlights which makes living in their hiding spots unbearable for the raccoon.

These preventative measures can be effective if done properly however, don't wait until the raccoons become a real nuisance to you. Check out more tips and information here about how Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can help you solve this problem once and for all.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

How to Choose the Right Wildlife Company

With so many wildlife companies out there offering help to your wildlife infestation woes, how would you know which is the right choice? While many are in the wildlife control industry, there are a few things you can check into to narrow down the list to the best ones.

What are some items that should be on your checklist?

  1. Testimonials

Are there a lot of testimonials from their customers? Reading these reviews about the company from previous customers will help you decide if their service is indeed effective and helpful. You will also determine what their good and bad points are.

  1. Experience

How long have they been doing wildlife control? Experienced staff and technicians are sure to deliver better service and know what to do when faced with more complicated situations. Checking how long the company has been in service will give you an idea how they train their staff and their credentials. Surely a rodent control company offering poor service won’t last for decades.

  1. Scope of Services

What is included in their service? Do they do clean-ups after removals as well? Do they offer estimates of how much work is needed for a certain problem and how much it costs? Knowing what they can offer you will help you weigh the advantages of hiring them, and this is one important thing to consider.

  1. Inspection

Do they inspect before they come up with a proper course of action? Experienced and trusted companies do this to ensure the problem is addressed properly. Without inspection, they will not know what needs to be done.

  1. Recommendations

Do people you know recommend the company for good service and staff? If so, it shows a good sign that the rodent control company does comply and have rendered services satisfactory to them, which means they would do good for you as well.

  1. Humane

Wildlife control is not just about us, but the animals as well. Humane wildlife control acknowledges the value of life for these animals. Why not go for a company that gives you security and protects the animals as well? It’s a win-win situation.

If you are going to hire a wildlife control company, make sure it is the right choice. There are so many out there who advertise beautifully but serve poorly. Going through the checklist will give you a better chance to choose the best one for you, so be sure to put that company to the test before you dial.