Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How Fast Do Bats Multiply

Bats are nocturnal animals that may infest your home, if they think your property is suitable for a den. Understanding their mating and reproduction habits will prevent them from breeding in your attic, roof or the spaces between walls.

Animal control experts agree that bats may multiply quickly, if they infest your home in pairs. Once you see a couple flying out or around your property at night, chances are they already have offspring and may grow their colony.

Brown Bat Mating Season and Reproduction

In most of Canada, brown bats mate in two phases, passive and active. In the latter phase, both partners are alert and fully awake. In their passive phase, active males will try to mate with drowsy bats regardless of gender. The active mating phase is more common because these are times when testosterone are at peak levels. Active mating reaches its highest in August, while passive mating lasts until winter.

When mating, males mount the female from the rear and sometimes use a copulation call to calm her so that there is no struggle. Bats will mate promiscuously, neither male or female bats are selective of their potential mate, and males cannot monopolize females even when they are in torpid.

In spring, females live in nursery colonies which may likely be the same place where they were born. These comprise mainly of adult female bats with their babies; they may also roost in attics of warm homes or buildings because of their humidity. These colonies may reach thousands per forest or cave. Gestation may last 50 to 60 days; females have one baby per year or twins, from late May to early June.

The young enter an altricial state when born, they keep their eyes closed and will hang in their nursery while their mothers look for food at night. They only open their eyes on the second day and cling to a nipple until they reach two weeks old. After three weeks, they start flying and by the fourth week, they reach adult size.

Females mature sexually in the fall after their birth, while males may take a year; most male bats and approximately half of females start breeding during their first autumn.

Problems Caused

When you fail to get bat exclusion services after you discover an infestation, you will have to deal with the foul smell of urine and guano. Bats are also carriers of the rabies virus, which it can transmit to you through its bite. These animals also bring all sorts of bacteria and insects that may cause harmful diseases.

Bats may also damage drywall, insulation and electrical wiring. The damage may affect the energy consumption of your home, leading to a higher energy and repair bill. With the help of an animal control expert, you can prevent infestation or remove the bats already in your attic or other parts of your house.

Removers will use humane and proven techniques to remove bats in various parts of your house. Some will also remove the guano and urine left behind by these animals. They will deodorize the area and clean up the mess to prevent a re-infestation.

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