Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Does a Cat Really Help get rid of Mice in and Around your Home?

Rodents, especially rats and mice, are known to be the most common and very destructive of wildlife infestations. They live in large numbers, and multiply at a very fast rate, leaving you with a whole colony of mice within your house walls, ceilings and attics.

Well, how do we get rid of mice? Are there ways to effectively getting rid of a mouse?

Since we were children, we were told that the archenemies of mice are cats. Cats were first recognized in Egypt for their abilities to hunt rodents, and were considered very  helpful by farmers. While some cats may be good hunters, most domesticated cats are too lazy for the job. Mice are very intelligent creatures, and can maneuver and climb easily on almost anything. Getting a cat may be a good idea; just make sure you pick the right one, since after domestication, most cats have neglected their hunting and “mousing” skills as they were fed and spoiled by their owners or just simply raised without developing their hunting instincts.

A cat may help with your mice problems around the house, but one can never hunt them all, unless it’s a feral cat. There are many ways in and around your home a mouse can get through where a cat may never reach them including, attics, ceilings and walls. And this is the problem with letting a cat take all the hunting responsibilities. There is a limit to places they can reach.

Spayed or neutered cats are more preferable for hunting purposes, but you must know that you should never adopt a cat just for mice problems in your house. If the infestation is serious, it is better to seek advice from pest control professionals.

There are many ways to get rid of a mouse, but none as effective as resorting to wildlife control services. DIY may be an option, but there are so many risks and infections associated with mice droppings, urine and direct contact.

Most of us are more concerned about the wellbeing of our families and pets and would rather hire professional services to rid themselves of these infestations.  Wildlife control professionals, like those at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, are trained and are equipped with knowledge and tools to take care of your infestation problems. You get a cleaner, safer house, and save yourself time and effort.

What types of Rodents to look out for in Canada?

When we hear about household pests, the first thing that might come into our mind may be a rat. Rats have been notorious in infesting various households, breeding fast and destroying whatever gets in their way. You may be on the lookout for this nuisance wildlife but did you know that there are other animals that belong to the same order Rodentia and can cause the same havoc?

Rodents are mammals that  are characterized by their prominent growing front teeth or incisors in their upper and lower jaws. They comprise the biggest percentage among mammals, attributing to almost 40% of the population. Other notable characteristics of rodents are short limbs, small bodies and long tails.

Here is a list of the most common rodents that infest Canadian homes.

  1. Gray squirrel. Scientifically known as Sciurus carolinensis, the Eastern gray squirrel is a close relative of your common house rat. This specie is native to the Americas and to some European areas. The gray squirrel often forages for food; it will hoard food from your bird feeders or if you feed your pets outside. It can also chew and do damage to insulation and wiring.
  2. Red squirrels. The American red squirrel also referred to as pine squirrels are common in Canada. Red squirrels are omnivores but their diet mainly consists of seeds and nuts.
  3. Mice. Characterized with their small round ears and long hairy tail, this rodent breeds fast and can be a big headache to homeowners in no time. Mice inside your home will invade your food and make it their own breeding ground.
  4. Rats. Unlike your house mouse, rats are can grow large. Their tails are hairless and scaly and similar to their smaller counterparts, and can infest your house in great numbers in a short amount of time.

These rodents are not only a nuisance because they will invade your food but most importantly, they carry with them several diseases that can put your family’s health in danger. The most common Zoonotic disease associated with rodents is Leptospirosis; and this is just one of the many health hazards they bring inside your home.
Moreover, because of their large incisor teeth, they have the constant need to gnaw and this could pose as a safety risk especially when they find their way to your insulation materials and more so, your electrical wires.

If you happen to find a rodent scurrying around your property, the best way to deal with the situation is to call on professional rodent control services like the one offered by Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. Skedaddle wildlife technicians have removed rodents like house mice from many Canadian homes for more than twenty-seven years. With their expertise in the field, you can rest knowing that they have removed these buck-toothed wildlife in every nook and cranny of your home and you are free from the safety and health hazards they bring.

Rodent Control and Prevention Tips

Rodents are the most common nuisance wildlife that infest human settlements and establishments. The most common rodent infestations are squirrels and rats. They can cause extensive property damage that may become hazardous, for instance a fire in the home and health risks. Rodents are meant for the wild and should be kept out of our houses, but how?

Rodents are intelligent creatures, and it requires discipline and effort to protect your property against them. Rats and squirrels are known for excessive gnawing and chewing. Rats also nest and the mites in those nests could spread all over your house and can cause numerous diseases. More than that, they all leave droppings, which if inhaled could cause infections and hazardous risks.

Exclusion is the best way to keep these critters out of your home. It is the process of sealing up all entry points to your home so they cannot get in. This requires an in depth check of many parts of your house, from the foundation to the roof. One small hole left uncovered is a welcome sign to the smallest but most destructive of the rodents.

Here’s what you need to do to prevent rodents from gaining access to your home:

  1. Check the roof for loose shingles, damaged flashings and holes in the soffit and fascia. These can be used as entry points by rodents. Seal the holes with epoxy, and for bigger ones, cover them with sturdy material.
  2. Clear clutter in from around your home and secure your garbage bins. Clutter in the garden can be used by rodents for nesting.
  3. Never feed your pets outside. Bird feeders should be climb-proof so squirrels don’t forage there instead. Food is the main attractant of wildlife into your home so make sure that you clean them up to avoid inviting these nasty creature inside your abode.

If your home is currently infested with these troublesome animals it is best to leave it in the hands of professionals. Rodent control can be very tricky, as you have to consider a lot of factors. You have to know where to look for them and how to properly remove them from your property. Without the proper know-how, you may be exposing yourself to safety and health hazards.

Rodent control service is best performed by wildlife technicians, such as from Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, who know what to do and know the risks of being exposed to the pests and viruses wildlife bring. Skedaddle wildlife technicians have been around for almost three decades and have the experience and expertise to deal with infestations caused by these pesky little creatures.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How to Choose the Right Wildlife Company

With so many wildlife companies out there offering help to your wildlife infestation woes, how would you know which is the right choice? While many are in the wildlife control industry, there are a few things you can check into to narrow down the list to the best ones.
What are some items that should be on your checklist?
  1. Testimonials
Are there a lot of testimonials from their customers? Reading these reviews about the company from previous customers will help you decide if their service is indeed effective and helpful. You will also determine what their good and bad points are.
  1. Experience
How long have they been doing wildlife control? Experienced staff and technicians are sure to deliver better service and know what to do when faced with more complicated situations. Checking how long the company has been in service will give you an idea how they train their staff and their credentials. Surely a rodent control company offering poor service won’t last for decades.
  1. Scope of Services
What is included in their service? Do they do clean-ups after removals as well? Do they offer estimates of how much work is needed for a certain problem and how much it costs? Knowing what they can offer you will help you weigh the advantages of hiring them, and this is one important thing to consider.
  1. Inspection
Do they inspect before they come up with a proper course of action? Experienced and trusted companies do this to ensure the problem is addressed properly. Without inspection, they will not know what needs to be done.
  1. Recommendations
Do people you know recommend the company for good service and staff? If so, it shows a good sign that the rodent control company does comply and have rendered services satisfactory to them, which means they would do good for you as well.
  1. Humane
Wildlife control is not just about us, but the animals as well. Humane wildlife control acknowledges the value of life for these animals. Why not go for a company that gives you security and protects the animals as well? It’s a win-win situation.
If you are going to hire a wildlife control company, make sure it is the right choice. There are so many out there who advertise beautifully but serve poorly. Going through the checklist will give you a better chance to choose the best one for you, so be sure to put that company to the test before you dial.

On the Hunt for a Racoon Den

As the forested areas have gone on dwindling, raccoons have invented a funny way of survival. As you walk through the streets at night, once in awhile you might see these small mammals scurrying across the street or down an alleyway. They are omnivorous and will eat almost everything particularly smaller animals found in the water such as crayfish and snails. In addition, raccoons are solitary in nature in terms of feeding and will eat alone except when there is plenty. They are very interesting animals to study and this aroused my desire to want to know more about them. I was able to learn fascinating things worth sharing.

Popular places for a raccoon den

Raccoons don’t have a specific place they can call home. They migrate to different dens after a few days though females who have young ones can stay in one den a little longer. The only time you find several raccoons in the same den is during winter. Although they migrate they have popular places they like to den. These hide outs include hollow logs, tree holes, abandoned cars, attics and chimneys. In towns, they use these dens to hide during the day while in the forest they rest in trees.

Signs you may have raccoons living on your property

It’s mainly during the winter and spring seasons that raccoons can inhabit your homestead. This is because attics are an excellent location for protecting and raising babies. The signs of their presence in your house may include scratching, crying and thumping sounds in your attic, damaged insulation and strange odours.

Humane Raccoon Removal techniques

A closer look at these simple animals will help you understand that protecting your home against their intrusions is the best course of action. Therefore, as we look for ways to remove them from our houses, we need to consider how to prevent them from coming back. There are several techniques we can use depending on where the animal is.
  • House-First you need to know how they entered. If the mother has young ones you’ll need to remove them by hand first. Baby raccoons aren’t mobile until several weeks after birth so you can’t trap or scare them out. Once the babies have been removed they can be used to lure the mother out. The entry point will need to be secured immediately afterward.
  • Chimney – Don’t put the chimney into use until you are certain that you have removed all the raccoons. Once the raccoons have left, you will need to clean the chimney and cap the opening at the top.
  • Ponds – If they are interfering with your fishpond, create hiding places for fish by using cinder blocks
  • Garden – Use a radio turned on with higher volume for few nights. The noise will create disturbance that will drive raccoons away.
If all the above-mentioned ways don’t work, call a raccoon removal company. The technicians will help you learn how these animals got into your house and other weak points they could use to get into the house. They will then provide you with options on how to remove them depending on the nature and structure of your property. Once the animals are removed the technicians will block the entrance hence ensuring they won’t re-enter.

DIY Tips to Prevent Wildlife from Invading your Home

Wildlife infestation is a common problem for many homeowners and commercial establishments as well. Infestation brings a lot of destruction, whether it’s caused by skunks, raccoons, squirrels, mice or rats, bats and birds.

While wildlife infestation can be troublesome to property owners, we need to understand what drives their behaviour in order to stop them. It is, therefore, important as a homeowner to recognize that urban wildlife need shelter to survive so taking proper measures to make your property seem less habitable and accessible for them is the place to start.

It is better and easier to keep animals away than dealing with an infestation. The process of sealing your house against these infestations is called exclusion.

The main objective of exclusion is to prevent these wildlife from entering or gaining access to your home, be it your roof, foundation, or walls. Here are some things you may want to check and do to perform an effective exclusion:

  1. Trees and other plants can be used to gain access onto your roof, these branches should be cut back to make it more difficult and impossible for these innovative creatures.
  2. Cover window wells with wire mesh that have openings small enough to prevent skunks from falling into them. Commercial grates and plastic covers are also great options.
  3. Cover your chimneys as well, or make sure they have a cap. A cheaper alternative to commercial caps would be mesh hardware cloth.
  4. Check your house for possible entryways. Seal these away with a sturdy and hard material secured tightly so they cannot be used to enter your home.
  5. With your fences, you can bury a wire mesh under it about a foot under because wildlife that are experts in digging will have a lesser chance of entering your yard.
  6. Check your roof for soft spots or holes. Repair these and make sure to check it regularly as these are the most common means of access to your attic.
  7. Avoid attractants as much as possible. Try not to feed your pets outside and make sure your garbage bins are secured and aren’t easily toppled over. One of the most destructive urban wildlife species are raccoons, which are experts in opening your garbage cans. Raccoon removal can be quite a pain, so it’s better to prevent them from seeing your property as a source of food and a place to have their young.

A protected home feels a lot safer to live in. Don’t wait for the first infestation before you make a move. Whether it’s a bird, bat, skunk, rat or raccoon removal, it requires a lot of knowledge and effort to do, not to mention the risks you may be getting into. Prevention is important so don’t hesitate to get started. Sometimes you just need extra help and don’t have the time or resources to do the job and that’s what the professionals from Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can provide.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Mice Infestation When To Call Pest Control

It is never too late to make things right! Unfortunately, we cannot say the same thing in the case of a mice infestation, because the longer you wait the greater the problem becomes and the harder it is to tackle. In fact, the problem grows exponentially. Believe it or not, mice breed all year round and a female mouse is capable of reproducing around 10 litters in one year. You wouldn’t want them all growing up in your house, would you? So you better act fast!

Knowing, the tell-tale signs of a mouse infestation, will help you prevent any problems and save a lot of time, effort and money in dealing with a huge colony of mice. The earlier the problem is dealt with, the easier it is and less damage needs to be repaired.

So, what are the very first signs of mice infestation?
  • If you find gnawed plastic or chewed furniture around your house, be warned! Mice have the habit of gnawing because their teeth constantly grow and they need to keep them sharpened – and will do so at the cost of your precious belongings. Look for scratch like marks at the foot of your furniture, doors or things that are made out of cardboard or wood. Check your cupboard, curtains and carpets for any signs of chewing.
  • Small dirty tracks across the floor of your house, especially the kitchen floor, or at the base of the walls most likely mean that these rodents are going in and out of your house because they have found their food source. Mice have poor eyesight so they tend to memorize their tracks and rarely stray. So, if you look carefully, you should be able to point out a faint oiled track along the walls.
  • Look for rodent droppings in the corner or any possible place that can prove as a good hiding place for mice. Rodent droppings are like a news flash that shouldn’t be very hard to miss and you would probably find them clustered near some corner. It should give you a fair idea of where to start tracking these little beasts.
  • You may even find chewed up materials around your house that are the result of gnawed wood, cardboard or cloth. Mice use these waste products to line their nests and keep them cozy.
  • The Stink. Mice are creatures of habit and they will usually use the same area to look for food or same route to move around in the house and back to their home. They build their nests together that can grow up to be a large colony which will give out strong odour that is very hard to miss.
  • If in the middle of a night, you hear scratching noises, it most likely means you have a major mice infestation issue. It's time you called a local animal control company.
If you do spot a mouse in your house during the day, it's time got in touch with pest control professionals who can help immediately. This is so important because mice are creatures of the night (not strictly nocturnal). So, spotting them in the morning means they have made your house their home and are really comfortable staying there.

It is recommended that contact local Animal Control professionals to help with pest control. It is important to call them the moment you suspect a mice infestation in your home. Don’t let mice eat your house away. The earlier the detection, the faster the solution.

Rodent-Proofing Tips

Nobody wants their home invaded by rodents or any other pests. Having your house occupied by these four-legged creatures can be an absolute nightmare.  What if you notice a mouse roaming around from one corner of the room to the other? Well this is the right time for you to look into some options to permanently remove these rodents. There are some natural and DIY fool-proof ways to get rid of these pests but for effective mice removal from your home you can always call a humane wildlife control company for complete peace of mind.

There are two sanitation methods to keep the rodents from invading your property - outdoor sanitation and indoor sanitation.

  • First make sure that the exterior walls of your home don’t have any cracks or holes. Keep any holes where utilities or cables run into the house  secure so that the rodents won’t be able to enter through small gaps. Use steel wool or copper mesh to fill in the gaps because rodents will have a hard time chewing this.
  • Thoroughly check all doors, windows and frames. Immediately replace any weather stripping without a tight seal. If there are any broken window panes,  replace them right away.
  • If you have large trees beside your home, check whether any branches touch or hang over the house.  If you locate any immediately cut the branches as they are often used by the rodents to enter your home. It is best to keep a gap of at least 6 inches between your house and any trees close by.
  • Keep your lawn trimmed. Large grasses and foliage are a safe breeding ground for the rodents. It is important to especially keep dense foliage away from the entrance of your house.
  • Check whether there is any pipe leakage or clogged drains. If there is any possibility of moisture accumulating in any part of the home, make sure to have it repaired and the area cleaned.
  • If you like to feed birds, make sure there is no trace of grain or seed on the ground. Rodents are always on the hunt for food and  if you leave the area unclean, chances are there that rodents will keep coming back and stay.
All the above points are related to outdoor techniques. These will save time and energy from a situation involving mice removal from your home.

On the other hand, there are some tricks and techniques to implement for the inside of your house.
  1. Rodents generally make their homes in cluttered places like the basement or attic. These areas make the perfect breeding ground and if you don’t want to get into a situation where these rodents take over your home, then you must keep these places organized and clean.
  2. Keep the areas under your kitchen cabinet, refrigerators and dishwashers clean. Make sure that all food is sealed as the smell of the food can attract rodents. If you have a pet, keep their food sealed in a container and the bowls clear.
  3. Make sure to keep floors clean of all leftover food particles.
  4. Keep the garage secure.
  5. There are various oils like peppermint or clove oil which are some natural ways for mice removal from the home. Dab a cotton ball in any of these oils and leave it on the area where the rodents live. You can also keep a peppermint plant in your home.
  6. Spray pepper spray, chemical, bleaching powder and other chemicals meant for mice removal.
If these tips don’t work and the situation spirals out of control it is recommended to hire an animal control company immediately before it is too late. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control offers a wide variety of services that is effective and they guarantee to save your home from rodent infestation and keep it that way. Check out more about your options here.

Indicators Of A Mice Infestation

Mice are the unwanted guests who never leave unless they are kicked out. Mice infestations can become a major issue and a nightmare if you are not proactive. Unless you observe the common signs of mice infestation carefully, you will soon come face to face with a crisis situation where you will find mice running all over your house and will have no choice but to call pest control for mice removal.

There are many mice species and most of them dwell outside, however, some like the house mouse or deer mouse prefer to live inside a home or barn. House mice are usually dusty grey in colour and have moderately large ears and black eyes.  Deer mice are brown in colour with a white chest and feet and have large protruding ears with large black eyes. Both of these mice are very small in size and  weigh roughly between ½ to 1 ounce.  Mice removal requires some effort and before you decide to go ahead, here are a few indicators to help you identify mice infestation.


Spotting a mouse: It may seem silly, but you have to understand that a mice infestation can escalate rapidly in a short span of time due to their frequent breeding. Also, mice are not long distance travellers which means that if you spot them inside your house, they must have their nests somewhere near or maybe even within your house.

Urine or dirt tracks: Mice are not very hygienic, they definitely will be running around your house in their dirty feet. Plus, they have very weak bladders which means they urinate quite frequently.

Mice droppings: Areas where you find mice poo are the areas where they are most active. Their droppings are roughly 3 to 6 mm in length and often black in colour. They are granular in shape and can be mistaken for droppings of lizards or roaches. During mice removal you can keep an eye on fresh droppings that will indicate the area they are most active in.


There are different sounds that can indicate an infestation;

Scratching or gnawing: Mice have the habit to gnaw because they need to keep filing their teeth constantly. You will definitely hear a scratching sound in your house walls or ceilings, especially in the quiet evening times when they are the most active. Mice have very sharp teeth and they can chew your furniture,  packaging, doors and fabrics like socks, shoes, woollen clothes etc.

Squeaking: If you can hear a low but shrill noise in your house then it usually means mice have made their nests within your home. This squeaking noise is usually the sign of baby mice calling out for food.

Scurrying: Mice are very small creatures, hence they usually don’t make noise while moving around. But, if more than one mouse runs around for any reason, then you can actually hear them. If they have built their nests above your ceiling, you can hear them running around quite clearly. During the mice removal process it is important not to spook the mice because they will find a new hiding spot.


Mice distinctly smell of ammonia due to frequent urination.

Do you hear different sounds or smell a strange odor but not sure what they are from? Then it’s crucial to be informed on these rodents and ready to clear them from your home with the help of a wildlife and pest control company like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. You can check them out at

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Natural And Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Rodents

Nobody wants their home to have rodents running around from one room to the other. This can be a scary sight and a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Worry no more! There are many natural and effective ways to drive them away, why not learn more about the natural products that can be used for getting rid of rodents in your home.

Peppermint Oil

This oil works wonders in an area infested with mice. It is a natural product and is absolutely safe for your pets. Put a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and leave it in an area where mice are rampant. Peppermint oil can dissolve on the cotton balls quickly so it is important to replace them a couple of times a week.


Place the mothballs in an area inhabited by mice. The smell will drive away 60% of rodents. Mothballs are harmful to pets and children if consumed as they are very poisonous. If you choose to use this method be sure to keep it out of reach.

Mouse Prevention Spray

This spray is usually made up of hot peppers which is why you should wear gloves and goggles when using it. Spray it around the areas infested with mice. The hot pepper will cause an irritation to the rodents eyes and nose and cause them to  run away and leave the area.


Another natural and effective way to keep off mice is to place a number of cloves on the entrance of the mouse hole. They will find the smell overwhelming and will try to stay as far away as possible. You can also put it on cotton balls dipped in clove oil.

Other Rodent-Proofing Tips:

There are some other ways to prevent the rodents from invading your property.

  1.      One of the natural and effective ways of getting rid of rodents is to block up the holes in the interior and exterior walls of your home and they may leave your property in search of new holes. Use heavy gauge screening to seal the entrances.
  2.     Use kitty litter around the entrance of the house or in places where mice are seen most. The smell will drive the mice away.
  3.      Place superior quality steel wool or copper in the entrances to block the mice from entering. These materials won’t rust and mice will find it hard to chew.
  4.     There are a number of electric traps found in the market. They are useful in the sense that they will send a shock to a mouse once it comes close to it.
  5.     There are some electric units which produce beeping sounds at frequencies that rodents hate. The sounds make them insane and cause the rodents run back to their territory. 

Moreover, there are a number of companies which make organic solutions by using rodent repellents and pesticides. This is applicable in cases where you have a larger area infested with mice.
These are just some of the ways you can keep off mice from entering your property. But at the end of the day, one of the best ways and still the most natural and effective way of getting rid of rodents is to keep your house and surrounding area clean so that no pest can thrive there.

Fast Facts About Skunks And How To Keep Them Away

Skunks are a member of the weasel family. They are intelligent and may look to some as adorable creatures however, watch out for their bad habits and of course, their notorious spray.

Many times, skunk's burrowing and feeding habits conflict with people. Skunks may burrow under buildings or porches by entering openings under the foundation. They destroy property by digging holes in golf courses, lawns and gardens in search of insect grubs.

Skunks are omnivorous too. Hence, they eat eggs and other leftover piece of meat from the garbage. They are also known to eat bees.

There are many evidences which shows that skunks have killed poultry or attacked pets in order to protect themselves. When a skunk feels disturbed or insecure it will then use its spray which is their most powerful weapon. This spray is a smelling blend of sulphurous oil and can damage building materials, furniture, clothing, and other property. If this spray comes in contact with human eyes then it can cause intense itching and partial or temporary blindness. Due to such irritating behaviour of skunks, it becomes very difficult for people to tolerate these smelly creatures.

Removing skunks from your home is a must. However, it requires expertise and other tools and techniques. There are several easy methods available and some of them are as follows:
  • Skunks detest lights and prefer to stay away from highly lit locations. Skunks prefer a dark location. Hence, adding lights in yards will help to resist skunks from choosing your backyard as a nesting ground.
  • Skunks like to burrow under decks, sheds, and foundation openings. They damage properties by nesting in these areas. It is recommended to seal these prime locations from skunks with effective products like solid steel sheeting and quarter inch screening.
  • Exclusion is the best way to keep your property skunk-free. If skunks have a place to live on your property then the odds of you or your pet having a run-in with them are greatly increased. Remove any and all skunks from under sheds, decks and porches and then block off their entry points to ensure the skunks must relocate to another area.
  • You  should try to reduce any attractants from your home. These may include pet food, garbage, water bowls, leftovers vegetables, fruits, etc. Place motion activated sprinklers close to locations where you suspect a skunk might want to shelter. Such products are cost effective and natural ways to keep these smelly animals away . There are many repellents available in the market which are made up of natural ingredients and are effective to repel skunks as soon as they smell or touch the product.
  • To avoid any future infestation by skunks, fence your gardens by using wires or net. While fencing, it should be kept in mind that fence should be one or two feet below ground level, so that skunks can not dig holes underneath. Also, it should stand four feet above ground level as skunks are not skilled climbers.
Sometimes it's better to leave animal control to the professionals like Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control. They have the tools and knowledge to humanely remove skunks from your property. They are the experts in wildlife infestations and they can guarantee full skunk removal as well as help prevent any problems in the future. You can check them out here.

Fool Proof Methods to Effectively Remove Mice

Mice can inhabit your home and quickly multiply If they find enough food, water and good shelter. If you don’t use methods to prevent this you can be sure you will have some tiny visitors in your home at some stage. There are various methods that people use to get rid of these rodents, most people claim that the use of poisons and traps are the best methods. However have you ever asked yourself whether you’ve actually solved the root of the problem? Traps and poisons may solve the immediate problem but they don’t deal with the issue of them coming back.

Fool proof methods are the most effective and also humane, leave alone not posing danger to the pets you’ve kept at home i.e. poisoning and injuries from traps. But, what are these methods? These are natural methods that act by removing or keeping away the rodents.

The use of strong smells to keep away mice is a very friendly way of preventing them from coming into your house. It involves the use of a bio-based repellent which keeps away rodents without having to kill them or pose danger to other animals and humans in the house. You won't need to be looking for dead mice under the couch or behind appliances. These repellents have pleasing odours and are therefore human friendly. They are made from plants i.e. herbal plants. The smell produced is not pleasant to mice and it forces them to leave and seek a more comfortable habitat. The importance of using strong smells is that they last in the house for a longer duration and also are cheap and easy to use.

If you have a cat or are thinking about getting one their presence can keep mice away,  However, this works best if your cat also goes outdoors. Cats have a very strong sense of smell and while hunting they track down these animals to their nests. The mice feel threatened and those which survive choose to run away before it becomes too late. Domesticated cats however can be lazy and not interested in the mice but, even if this is the case, naturally mice fear cats and therefore their existence in the house will be threatened.

Keeping your house clean at all times helps to prevent infestation by these creatures. A clean environment denies mice access to food, water and hiding places. Keep food containers properly covered including crackers, cereals, pancake mixes and sugar. Make it a routine to wash all the dishes after eating and dispose of the leftovers properly. Cover all water containers and repair any drips in water pipes to keep those mice thirsty. By doing these small things, the mice will find it unbearable to continue living in a place where they can’t get food and leave.

No matter the method of choice, prevention is the ultimate ‘medicine’. Once the mice have left the house cover all the areas they can come back through. This includes covering all holes in walls, ceilings and floors .You can hire a professional animal control service to help you look for possible entries and help come up with solutions. They are well trained and may be the help you need.

Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is one of the best agencies with qualified personnel who can help remove these vermin from your house using effective and humane methods. Visit their website and learn more on how to deal with these uninvited visitors.